Winter Storm Warning starting Saturday night (12/15)

mabye they will close praxair monday

hahahahahah yeah right

:word: and if it does happen, I’ll have a blast seeing what the Jeep can do! generally speaking, I hate winter, but when it snows its always fun

fuck the cars broke and the quads broke, but… on a good note the sleds running full force

I will probably go snowboarding myself, where abouts in the southerntier are you speaking? I would love to go find some great hills out in the woods.

Naw they’ll make us come in and attend a safety seminar about how you should stay home when it’s really bad out. :ham:

Well then, I guess we are getting snow. I now have one day to get the car ready, Drifto! I can deal with snow as long as I still have power, cable TV, and internet access. No power = :shoot:

LMFAO manbearpig… i started laughing hysterically here at work when I read that then looked at the picture A+++

i need to go to roc at like 530PM, then come back at nite cuz i have a photo gig there… so i haveee to go, im gonna risk it


omg, snow, never been through a storm before in buffalo…

man wtf i just shoveled this hgue ass driveway from the 5 inches the otherday.

why does such a small house need such a big driveway ughhhhhh.

ill be paying a nieghborhood kid for this one.

Yay! Road Rally in Rochester tomorrow night should be a good time :slight_smile:

i was supposed to go to the adirondacks to snowboard at Gore mtn tonight and ride tomorrow then come bak saturday night but i think im gona be fucked and stuck there till monday any guesses

As long as it doesn’t start dumping before midnight I’ll be happy. Light snow until then will be fine :slight_smile:

looks like its time for overloading the new xbox360. no exams to worry about FTW!

I hope it happens as forecasted. Snowstorms are sweet.

sweet…looks like i will be getting called into work monday on my day off to “clear” our lot all day…sweet…

o yea, and my drive to Missasagua sunday is prolly going to be amazing as well… i love this area, snow drifts all over the Queen E :snky:

gonna be about 65 here…

i thought i saw ur car on main today…

I want some f-in snow already!!!