Winter Storm Warning starting Saturday night (12/15)

LOL! No, we haven’t. not even an inch yet.

yes it is by my house at least im off of southpark where are u

There’s a couple inches over here on the west side. I’m gonna go out and grab some pizza and have some fun along the way.

damn, where the hell is my snow

No, there isn’t. Go out there and measure it yourself. I’m probably 1/4 mile from you (like that even matters)

i just drove from the city down by the waterfront back out to holland and it was coming down pretty good the whole way. i was suprised though, it was snowing worse in the city than out here.

just drove back from orchard park… white knuckle all the way. First year driving a RWD manual v8 car in the snow… down shifting is bad :tdown:

wanna trade? i drove home in my fwd auto and it was miserable. i miss my rwd 5 spd

Cheektowaga has nothin :frowning:

I hope you got snows because those stock BFG’s are terrible in the snow. Wrong compound, wrong tread pattern, and way too wide for the weight of the vehicle.

There is literally a light dusting in south buffalo, I was hoping for more by now. I need to justify the 6 sand tubes that I threw in each of my trucks today!

It’s not supposed to really get rolling until after midnight

Downtown Rochester has 3-4cm right now.

yeah, i can hear the wind picking up outside more and more. i hope it gets real bad out, i dont have shit to do tomorrow besides continue remodeling the kitchen.

i just got back from the adirondacks went riding at gore mtn today it only took an extra hour once i hit rochester roads are not that bad now…

cant wait till midnight though its only getting worse in hamburg

hahaha ive gotten 3 calls to go downtown i just laughed and said have fun sleeping on chippewa dumbasses

this is going to end up just being an embarrasment

well this storm sucks so far

its comming down decent in OP…roads suck kinda…we will get a good chunk

my drive from lewiston to lockport sucked!!! spinning tires the whole way rt.31 was horrible

I just drove to California and back. Doesnt seem to be doing much outside of buffalo…

But really…why does snow surprise anybody? Buffalo…fucking…new york. We are one of the few areas that doesn’t stockpile food and water, throw everything on lockdown and sell all our belongings when we see an inch of snow. Big woop.