WNY SCCA Solo - Event 1 - 5/4/08 ECCN

Yeah, proper ESP setup for a WRX is to sell it and get a muscle car :slight_smile:

You talk a big game now, but I’m drinking milk. And in a couple years, I’m gonna be big and strong…

I am gonna try to make it :tup:

I’ll show to see some sick racing!

You won’t see any, my car’s not finished!

I kid, I kid…Should be a good event.

Milk grows mullets? Because that’s what you need for ESP to compete with the Camaro.

Weather isn’t calling for rain anymore, so hopefully it stays that way.

Also, it looks like a sound policy will be enforced. I saw this over at the wnyscca site, posted by Dave P.

Also, I’m not sure if this was advertised well enough, and I apoligize for that, but will will be implimenting a sound policy. Originally we were going with 95dB @ 75’, but we are going with 90db @75. If you exceed that you will get a warning. If it’s not fixed for the next run, you won’t be allowed to run. If you have any questions or concernes feel free to send me a PM.
We have to protect our last local site.

I’ve learned that it has a lot more to do with being fat than having a mullet.

good. its bad enough we only have ecc left - I don’t wanna have to run in FLR!

Don’t worry, I’ve got that base covered :slight_smile:

I think I will go.

ill be missing the first event but count me in for the second! lol I hope i finish this season!

Hey now! :nono: :wink:

Our Out Of Region events are all at Seneca, so it’s still a good time :slight_smile:

i was planning on going but my timing belt install got pushed to tuesday:fail:

If it’s not raining I’ll probably show up to shoot some pics and say hi but I doubt I’ll run. Too much stuff I want to get done this weekend that I won’t be able to do with the weather Saturday.

I pre-reg’d just in case the bug bites me Sunday morning though. :slight_smile:

I’ll be there, but nobody needs to worry… I’m on last years tires still and no allignment.

Rain > this event.

Rain tires > rain.

This ain’t the most prestigious level of American racing, we run in the rain.

can i still register for this or am i to late?