WNY SCCA Solo - Event 1 - 5/4/08 ECCN

You can register in the morning. Pre-registration just makes it easier on me so that I don’t have to enter all of your info tomorrow.

Registration will be open from 8:30 - 9:30

ok i totally forgot about it

I think I’m actually prepared for the first event. looks like it will be mostly dry, should be a good time.

Jeremy, you bringing the grill??

He better be - I am already hungry for a cheese burger dog.

sick as a dog right now, hopefully i’ll feel better tomorrow morning.

final on Monday > Me or else I would probably snag jeremy’s car again and drive.

Unfortunately just the small portable one, just so I can bring everthing in a car. To make things easier for right now there will only be hotdogs and sausage. But I will be violating SCCA’s rule of no alcohol to boil them in beer…

Too much going on today to run but I did stop by for a little bit to take some pictures:

This was a good time. It was nice to see a little change up on the course layout. I know it confused a lot of people the first few times through. During the first run I would say at LEAST 50% of people were called off course.

Fastest time for me was a 56.3… had a 56.0 but nailed one cone, boo. There was a lot more time to be had, but I couldn’t get my tires to warm up enough to truly take advantage of them. Ah well. I was very happy with my driving… enough squirrely to make some turns nicely, but not enough to be out of control.

Edit: Oh, but I hated that ending.

Results are up!


shit i cant believe i came in first in the novices

Ugh, I can’t believe how sunburned my face is, considering how overcast it was for most of yesterday.

I feel I did pretty good yesterday, need improvement though.

:tup: to those that allowed me to ride along and those that rode along with me

I thought I saw your name on the results.

ALWAYS check the UV index dude.

probably windburn

yeah. my lips are fried.

Cassie, the finish was tough, but we couldn’t extend it any farther because of the cop cars.

The different layout was nice, allowed us to have that one ‘real’ turn in there, but I agree it could be a touch confusing to the new people, and it also cut down big time on event efficiency having to wait for the car to clear it the 2nd time before the next car could start. Don’t expect to see that again there, at least not for a while

rushman - clutch save during fun runs

haha, nope, that was me :slight_smile:

I drove like a retard for most of the day, gotta get my tire situation figured out. I did much better in fun runs so that was encouraging, probably because there was some heat in the tires. Looking forward to the next event already.

I was so afraid of the finish :confused: I was braking through it every time because I would rather have a slightly slower time than picking up 2+ seconds because of the cones.