WNY SCCA Solo Event 2 - ECCN 5/18/08

yea weather sucked ass but i still had a good time. i was pissed when i hit a cone on my last run to miss first

Did the event continue past the 3 runs per heat? I did my 3 runs, worked for my 3 run heat and left. I saw an awful lot of other cold and wet people packing up so I figured it was probably over.

Had my windbreaker been as waterproof as I thought it was I might have stayed.

We did another set of 3 runs…where Dale AND Dave sneaked past me for FTD :frowning:

Results are up:

The seagulls ate very well today…

Yeah. I was in the first heat… worked grid for the 2nd group and bounced. Was so wet head to toe it just wasn’t worth it to me :frowning:

Your run was still impressive! :slight_smile:

edit: I also have very few pics i’ll try and get up tomorrow

Did the rain let up at all while you were still running? Got nice and sunny eventually but I’m guessing you were either gone or in the process of packing up by then.

PS: That would be my first win in the GTO so I’d like to pick up the glass eventually. Good old rain, the street tire equalizer. :slight_smile:

My first work assignment I was certainly wishing I stayed home but then I finally got to drive and it made it worth it again :stuck_out_tongue:

had fun sliding around, good event for street tires :slight_smile:

Standing water sucks… pix inc.

When I was at station 3 I had to call in to clarify a cone rule with the timing guys. Station 2 kept calling +1 on the black Civic with the massive front tires but he wasn’t actually hitting the cone. His ultra wide front tire was sending a wall of water up and the water was knocking the cone over.

For future reference, if your wake knocks over a cone but you didn’t actually touch it, it doesn’t count as a downed cone.

Yea, I said the same thing to Jim, was happening to a lot of people

The actual ruling, according to Dave, is that the cone counts. But since this isn’t a national event, I didn’t think it was fair to penalize anyone for it.

i am glad i didnt go… my brakes dont work well in the rain…


That sucks. Only thing I can think of is they’re scared of putting the judgement of “did the car or the water knock it over” in the hands of the course worker.

But still, if you didn’t hit the cone it’s pretty lame that you could get penalized for it simply because of some standing water. Really sucks for the guy who has to run after any sort of issue that stops cars from running for a couple minutes, letting the water pool worse.

Wha?? Why should a cone count if water spray knocked it over? If the car didn’t touch it, it’s not the drivers error. If the wind blew a cone over (that would be one hell of a wind, but for the sake of argument go with it) would that count against the closest car on course?

no, they all count against you

I’m assuming you mean: yes, they all count against you. My main question is why?

come to think of it i think i was working that station with you and didnt even know it

It was a joke, I was saying “no, they all count against you specifically, regardless if your car is parked in the lot or on course”

There’s nothing clear in the rule book about it, but I seem to remember an incident where a CP Camaro’s exhaust blew over a cone and it was ruled to count against them. This was at a National event, for a local event, I agreed with Jim that it wasn’t worthwhile to be that picky.
But in the grand scheme i agree with it because then it’s clear cut and not a judgement call. Like what if the car was 2 inches away from the cone, when it’s that close you can’t really tell if it was the car or the water that knocked it over.