Workout Thread, get in Zone - Chief

Wtf? when they say double cheeseburgers without the bun, they mean double cheeseburgers from like…mcdonalds or some shit?

excuse me if this is a dumb question, but that diet sounds right up my alley :rofl

Lmao if you fuckers only knew



Assuming you dont have the slightest clue who Richie is considering you live nowhere near here.
Dude’s got arms like Popeye.

lol no i dont but thanks pjb lol i was just messn svt

:rofl You sir, are epic!

You know what they say about assuming…

lol well it truly is! it sucks!

That adam likes dicks in his mouth?

woa really? :wow

True story. Hatefield or sully will tell you

anything with a high fat content

Like yall didnt know

Dont try and not include YOUR name on that list bitch!



hahaha owned

I’m going to eat 17 lbs of fatty meat, cheese, and bacon tomorrow. and every day. Until I’m 215lbs. Is this dangerous y/n?

