Worst corporate policy ever.

Be covert and use one of your desk drawers. lol

only if you push back.

Here is another idea, get THE LOUDEST paper shredder on the market and shred paper all day.

buy everyone one of these: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/05/gotwind-and-orange-launch-human-powered-mobile-phone-charger.php


No camera on it, otherwise I’d show you just how rediculous this thing is. It even comes with a lid.

you want a better pic?

Sure lets show the people the kind of crazy world we work in.

shit, I think this recycles…

now I’m going to have to dig it out of my trash bin

Photohunt for random workplace trash cans??


:lol: (Yer doin it wrong)^2?

Do all 3 of you have to share one can?

I recently moved my desk and had to play that game with the cleaning lady every day. she eventually gave in.

We arent supposed to use our desk recycle bins, only put them in the big city gargage can sized recycle bin at the end of the day.

it is now my foot rest, but it has since cracked so I need to find a new one. lol

I work for a corporate bank.

They took away all the trash cans in our department, because people were throwing confidential data in the regular trash, instead of the shred-it bins.

Now fuckers are just throwing empty soda bottles under the desk, letting them pile up.

Its disgusting.

Meh, $120/hr?

he’s the new Beck.

I know, really.
Are we going to have to make him post a pay stub as well? lol.

120 * 40 = 4800/wk
4800 * 52 = 249600/yr

I didn’t even think people made that much money in Buffalo.

I dont even make a tenth of that. I am sick of living at the poverty line. I hope RIT does nice things for me next year,

lol I don’t get paid anywhere near that. But my sellout rate (what my department charges other departments for my time) is $116/hour.

Fry is a top dollar hooker