Would it be illegal to shoot my neighbor's dog with a BB gun?

Being realistic…

Talk to the owner first:

" Hey, I see you make sure your dogs get out every morning to not make a mess in your house. Any way you can let them back in for another 3 hours after they do their deed? I haven’t been able to sleep after they get up but didn’t want to bother you about it"

AFTER you find out what their response would be, choose the appropriate next step.

Or just have sex with a deep fried dead dog.

For the record, bark collars work on a pair of vibration probes that have to be pressed up against the dog’s neck. So it’s not like you can just set one in the yard and expect it to pick up the dog’s bark.


Get a bunch of those and remote on and off. Break into his house and blast those on at like 1am he’ll be dumbfounded why the dog is going beserk

talk to the owner before you do anything

and this reminded me of “craig could have 1000 dogs barking IN YOUR ROOM and you couldnt do shit!”

I’d say toss a few dog-friendly laxatives over in their yard for revenge, but that would probably just end with the dogs being outside for more time. Mastiffs would probably make a hell of a mess in the house. I vote for the CD player rigged to play random zoo animal noises all day while you’re out.

or just play this out your window on a loop every time it barks…



Cheese wheel. Lob an entire cheese wheel over the fence to them.

Either the owner finds his mastiffs eating an entire cheese wheel and you get a pic of an epic WTF reaction, or the dogs eat the whole thing and then wreck the house. :crap:

Just leave a note on the door:

Pleas keep your dog quiet early in the morning

or else

  • Sincerely

Everybody in earshot

Run over and steal the dogs and then sell them.

next time you change your coolant just leave it where the dog can get to. Wow its so wrong but i feel the same way when my neighbors dog is barking at kids all fucking day, thats why i have cats they just sleep and eat and dont make too much noise.

“…And you ate the whole… wheel of cheese? How’d you do that? Heck, I’m not even mad; that’s amazing.”

most coolants are animal friendly now.


newman, i got airsoft guns cheap, how bout an ak or mp5?

Or a fucking blow gun that can put 1/4" holes in things

fuck that, if your gonna shoot the dog, might as well use something that’ll do ALOT of damage…http://www.impactguns.com/store/media/barrett_95.jpg

hence the blowgun with 1/4" steel broadhead darts

well with luck…or improper aiming…he could take out the dog AND the owner with the .50 cal… lol

you can borrow this one it wont kill it but will shut it up i shot a buddy from prolly 10yards with a plastic bb and it split him open bb stuck in his leg

soak a loaf of bread with bleach and toss it over?