
is it 2005 again?

i thought Bob, Ian, Nelly, Max etc. etc. all moved on.

you’re supposed to be better than that Ant… you were supposed to be the one… anTOOOONIO!!!

I’m sure if Peter or his bro, or Pratte new it was going to be an issue they would have done it differently. Fact is, the rule exists to prevent risk of fraud… since it’s obviously not a fraudulent post there is no need to apply the rule.

I think you’re forgetting that we made the rules… it’s not like the police or the provincial government have jurisdiction here. The buck stops well before that.

Moreover, on any other forum this wouldnt get this far… you would have been silenced, everything would have been removed and there would be no evidence that it ever happened…

The fact that i only moderated the posts (they are all still there and i really thought the moderated thread was still viewable) and am amusing myself with this back and forth banter is probably the reason why SON has continued to grow to its biggest and busiest ever… as it is right now… becuase this only happens over trivial shit and only once a year or so… there are no fundamentally totalitarian agendas going on here as has been the case on other major forums run by inexperienced idealists with no real careers or education.

so please enjoy your freedom of criticism… drop me a pm when you want to apologize Ant… i’ll accept in advance :slight_smile: