
post count +1


^^ fuck man… didnt know your moses. LOL
be seriously… briggs having a section to highlight what he does seems legit to me… proper build thread, with a proper 240… thats got tons of exposure and is local. how many others can do that?
giving s1DC and cyrs that change to is fine…
but personally i dont think itll change half the bitching on this forum.
everybody is posting their own “build” threads in other sections… and most ppl lok through them anyways… so mayb all that section shit should be removed in all…

seriously just close these threads and temp ban this children making useless shit till like spring wher ethey can stop bitching and shit talkin. and go to meets and events.
most of these shit talkers never show their face up at meets anyways… who the fuck cares… if u care so much about some internet forum that u have to have ppl constantly policing it… and make sure nobody breaks the stupid rules… why dont u actually be a part and go to events / meets… and i dono… post USEFUL informative, and correct posts… like holy…
this forums has gotta be the worst one around. (ppl wise)
look at other ones… u dont see ppl ranting about rules… or being jealous of someone haivng a thread/section/car …
GTRC, TSC are two for example… how many thread are closed on them? like non… how many ppl get banned? barely. how many useless bitching and posts are there… lil…

be more mature about things. seriously.

go look at an arguement on another forum… ppl post useless stuff, and explain it. give reasoning… here its just like …
ex. the last engine swap thread…
it was a fucking joke. everyone just saying rb kat or sr. and the OP was a retard for posting it in the first place…
nobody gave reasons…

the ppl on here need to grow balls. and mature up.

ZING BY BING holy #@%*^ !!!

there is room for discretion in the rules, ant, you fucked up and went ape shit 1/2 way around the world

calm down

also… come on. even u bing. swearing in a post trying to get ppl to calm down? like its not like theres kids or some shit…
but seriously… i think even you could be a lil more mature about your posts… yah i understand huge douches on this forum pisses us all off… but w.e ur supposed to be superior. take it to a more mature level instead of calling everyone fags…

the only thing this forum seems useful for anymore is parts.
if u tried to get information outa here… all ull get is a flame + some peanuts. fuck sakes.


I just farted…

Hold on guys, I got to go to the bathroom and wipe to prevent skidmark… I think that one was a little more juicier then intended.

this will be moved to drama in by the end of the night gents…




I couldn’t agree more to this comment. There are too many people like this on the site who only use it for parts and talking shit.

i am totally against bing!!!

korea kick ass bro!!! you guys should def hit up that spot!!!
think wat they said in tokyo drift is crazy??? just ship your s13 there and start racing popo!!! :smiley:

but first of all man… yo mr korean… lets chill out man… bing didnt move or deleted your first post… he just edit your topic from FUCK YOU to you going mad… thats all…

but i dont even know what torontojdm thing was all about i read up on it like half way and had to go do somthing… and never looked back ever since…

so i wont say whats right or wats wrong but fuck man… can we all chill out and go vote on my poll??? if you havnt voted on my 350z vs s2k poll… you may burn in helllll…

i think a porn section would bring us all closer together :smiley:

make it a jdm porn yo!

nws is totally fine in the member sections…

agreed to izzo

fuck. i don want to pay for porn. its the internetz.