WTB : crotch rocker.


I have made up my mind that I ONLY want a 2001-2004 GSXR 750-1000 in either white/blue or red/black. If you find the bike i end up buying, +50 bucks for you.

Im going to MURDER the other bidders :slight_smile:


rofl… i just got it up to 6k with one bid… wow :slight_smile:

i keed i keed…

:squint: I will kill you too and run you over with your own bike :mad:

I have my 2005 Yamaha R6 for sale $7000

Its a long story, but i thought i had one. I dont. Bump cause i am a dumbass and im still looking.

The final search is for 01-up GSXR 1000 in white and blue. The better the deal the newer the bike I will end up with.

Someone help a brother out.



http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=107304&highlight=gsxr+750 <---- for the win

btw i kept seeing them after you told me u found one…

good luck. in the meantime, just remember, i so got a bike before you. :slight_smile:

ahhhh im going crazy I need to ride!!!

oh well, at least the weather sucks so I’m not missing out too much.

I wont have free time until after tuesday, school pwns me

Thanks Willy but im trying to find something local.

Right. Just remember I know where you keep it. :slight_smile:


what did you end up getting eclipse girl… post pics… be safe

she got a PIMP 03 gsxr 600 in silver/black.

now back on topic fawker, find me a gixxer! :stuck_out_tongue:

its difficult when the buyer is so picky… :gay3:

i told you theres an 01 silver in rochester…

you give up on me yet will? :smiley:

Still looking. :frowning:

Cmon no one wants to make 50 easy bucks?

Just need to find me a nice 02 up GSXR 1000 in white and blue.

Ive tried ebay/cycletrader/sportbikes/gixxer.com and a bunch of others. Too much beat up shit out there. :frowning:

i’ve heard quite a few good things about the new ninja zx10r :gotme:

theres aN 01 750 in the paper for 6800 mint condition 3k in extras…

Andy I’m strictly a zuki boii though that is a nice machine :tup:

Word I just read that. Gonna call on it first thing in the morning. Thanks Bropheus.

750 in the paper sold in under one day :bloated:

Screw it I am just gonna bid on and buy this…



i know you wont… you wont you wont you wont…

theres one in detroit 03 gsxr 1000…

hurry up with this bike search already.