Yeah so I was being a dumbass and broke mine because I got the drivers side wiper stuck behind the passenger side one and then turned on the wipers.
And now the drivers side wiper doesn’t work, and it’s all loose (like i can move it around the windshield).
A new wiper motor will fix this right?
If so, PM me offers, thank you 
EDIT: It’s for an S13b.
It not the wiper motor, its the part that the wiper arm bolts to, and the linkage that is broken, I had it happen to me, i have all the stuff you need to fix it on my parts car. So let me know if you wamt it or not, and I will get it off for you the best that i can.
i may have the linkage that u need b/c mine broke too and i had to buy both from nissan but i only replaced 1
( from a s14 )
let me know if u need it
You already fucked up the car?
I’ll buy it back in the spring. :squintnono: