WTF: Shooting spree at virgina tech

did they id the shooter yet?

edit: from “Gunman identified as Cho Seung-hui, a 23-year-old English major from South Korea”

answered my own question.


i hope they don’t make a stupid fucking sticker magnet thing for this.


Lil late on that buddy!


side note, we NEED to deport all asians.


Eh, not quite. Id say some good ol’ internment camps should do it…


did they id the shooter yet?


Yeap! Sum Yun Asian. jk.

Cho Seung-Hui



side note, we NEED to deport all asians.


only the foreign exchange ones. and me, only because i’m embaressingly good at counterstrike.


Hmmm this is why I support right to carry laws. If people attending that school had been carrying a sidearm he would have been taken down before it reached that many people.


So your saying that a campus with 25,000+ students carrying firearms is safe? :bloated: GREAT IDEA!

god i hate those fucking ribbons.

authority to officialized tragedy.


what happened in that time frame where this kid decided to go all out and take more lives than his cheater g/fs new lover, which although would justify a beating (not killing) atleast provides a motive? why the 31+ others :frowning:


he killed her new b/f then went looking for her in class and went apeshit in the hallway, he probably panicked when everyone around him started screaming he had a gun and decided to just waste everyone.


So your saying that a campus with 25,000+ students carrying firearms is safe? :bloated: GREAT IDEA!



they should make a reality show where everyone at UB carries for a day. Remind me to skip school that day.


god i hate those fucking ribbons.

authority to officialized tragedy.


Actually, Some are nice to have to show support. I’ve made a few for some ppl for personal reasons and shit, But the gay part is when ppl walk right up to your car and steal them, Like wtf? They couldn’t afford the $1.00 it cost to show support?

Like I should make one that says “I STOLE THIS IN SUPPORT OF…”

i like the ribbons that say god bless the USA because a lot are made in china.



can we please stop saying shooter? we know his name now. every time someone says shooter i think of happy gilmore. “Ssssshooter”.


only the foreign exchange ones. and me, only because i’m embaressingly good at counterstrike.


“China man”… did we forget that @ wegmans last summer… Zing Zong



I dont get it, The first shooting was at 7am, Then this rampage like 3 hours later, WHERE AND WHAT were the Police doing all that time???


The police were dealing with the contained “domestic dispute” in the AJ Hall dorms. Do you know how many people are murdered on college campuses each year and you never hear anything about it? Locking the school down for a domestic dispute would have caused more havoc, and probably made his shooting spree worse. There’s no way you can lock down a huge college campus because of a shooting. Thats like locking down cheektowaga or half of buffalo everytime someone gets shot. There was no reason to believe that he would come back and shoot 30 more people. As far as the officials knew, it was contained and he had left the campus.


Hmmm this is why I support right to carry laws. If people attending that school had been carrying a sidearm he would have been taken down before it reached that many people.


You sir are a fucking ignorant retard. So you hear gunshots at your school campus. 1 out of every 5-10 kids pulls out a hand-gun. Now nobody knows who the shooter is, so everyone that gets a gun pointed at them, is going to fire back. Now the SWAT team enters the building, not knowing who the shooter it. GET A CLUE. CCW would not and will not solve anything.


You sir are a fucking ignorant retard. So you hear gunshots at your school campus. 1 out of every 5-10 kids pulls out a hand-gun. Now nobody knows who the shooter is, so everyone that gets a gun pointed at them, is going to fire back. Now the SWAT team enters the building, not knowing who the shooter it. GET A CLUE. CCW would not and will not solve anything.


haha, i didn’t even think of that.

Now that there is a face to somebody who could do such a horrid thing…makes the situation more real. I get the chills every time I hear anything about it…

can anyone confirm the “note” that was found that was described as disturbing and written in another language?