WTF: Shooting spree at virgina tech


No doubt

So I assume he had a shit load of clips in a backpack or something…deff premeditated


Standard 15-16 round clips, in his backpack as well as a fanny pack he was wearing. Its been known for a while it was premeditated because he had phoned in two bomb threats in the weeks prior.


Fox News just said that he “possibly” got off around 100 shots.


Each victim, injured and killed has been reported to have ATLEAST 3 gun shot wounds each.


:snky: i garuntee its all relevant and truthful


beckington tell you this?

So starts the blame game.

Oh fuck you Dr. Phil you cocksucker…

Jesus Says:

April 17th, 2007 at 1:11 pm
Dr. Phil

You are the fucking Anti-Christ. I wish you were delivering a lecture at V.T. yesterday and were among the dead. Id do a dance on your grave…

HAHAHA leave all kinds of inappropriate comments…

EDIT: an edit because it’s probably for the better.

totally planned. scratched the serial numbers on the guns, carried no id, he had a mission

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:167,topic:27711"”]

totally planned. scratched the serial numbers on the guns, carried no id, he had a mission


noooo… ya think? well arent you just “murder she wrote”.


noooo… ya think? well arent you just “murder she wrote”.


lol whateva… im just catchin up on it now :stuck_out_tongue:

shooter’s gf:


shooter’s gf:


I shoot myself too.


I shoot myself too.


heh. i was going to say it, but i’d figure i’d tee it up for someone else. nice assist!

her myspace, found it with a name search:

" i live love and get booted but eventually that will change. have a wonderful guy who is hopefully going to change all of that… but dont know what is going to happen"


her myspace?

don’t know for sure…just what a search for the gf’s name brought up.


i think so. i saw that one and others. there’s countless myspacefacebooklivejournals of shooters and shootees being posted all over the interwebs.

thats sad.

Ugh…I wasnt gonna comment on this but if Dr. Phil can so can I.

The kid was obviously troubled to the core…he wrote many short stories that concerned his teachers and all they did was recommend he see someone but they never followed up to see if it was helping him.

It is definetly a sad day for all those involved, but I have to think for just a second about the shooter who is obviously the subject of alot of bad feelings currently but can you imagine the pain he must have been in and the mental state to do something like that. I pity him for dealing with it that way but I cannot imagine the thought process where you feel that is your only option.

She likes women…not men.

(background of her pic)

Edit: on a less sarcastic note…It is scary to see how unprepared we are for things like this. Not that there is anything you can do…It is just scary.

Having faces with the names is what ruins it for me.

The one guy survived the holocaust but some twisted asian can wreck him.

I will not be surprised if next week MCC has metal detectors


Having faces with the names is what ruins it for me.

The one guy survived the holocaust but some twisted asian can wreck him.

I will not be surprised if next week MCC has metal detectors


what does him being asian have to do with it?

I wonder what the backlash is going to be for Koreans and other Asian Americans. His family lived and owned a dry cleaning business in Centreville VA…thats about 1 hour from me right outside of D.C. Fox News even went as far as to post pics of his families home and address on the web FUCKIN IDIOTS!!