WTH: Pooper Scooper $40 / hour - Clean Baldy is Your Man!



09 bump. Economy is in the crapper, so this might be a growth business sector.

if the economy was down you would think this be one of the first things said home owner would DIY

It wasn’t as bad this year as long as you went out during the decent weather breaks between the snowfalls. Might be hard to find a yard that isn’t already cleaned.

Last year sucked.

I cleaned my yard up a few times when the weather broke. I actually just cleaned up the remaining poop the other day.

Despite what you hear on the news, the vast majority of people are still working and making money. There are however a large number of unemployed probably looking for off the books cash side jobs.

My wife filled up a plastic Tops bag with our runty Lab’s leavings.

Seriously though… Why must my dog poop 2+ times per day and usually immediately after I cut the lawn in the summer.