WTH: top notch auto body guy/girl

my teg got backed into by the previous owner’s neighbor before I got the car, looking to get it fixed but BE WARNED- I am pretty anal and want the car to look as close to 100% as possible so the repair needs to be damn near flawless.

Just putting a feeler out there to see if there’s any really good body peeps here on the boards who may want to take a look at it and give me cost/time estimates. I’d really rather not go thru a shop and drop an arm & a leg, if I have to go that route I’ll just skin it myself.

Any takers?

your wheel well is slightly crushed
your panel is beat to shit, did the prev owner kick it repeatedly after the hit ?
the car is black
you dont want to pay repair shop prices prices for a restoration shop quality job

hmmm … you have a garage to do this in, and another vehical to drive in the process ?

do you want the panel replaced or repaired ?

That panel is jacked up and any good shop doing a 100% repair would cut it out and weld in a new piece.

Black will not match fwiw.

It can be done…but if you want it done right, a new quarter panel should be spliced in. Too much body filler will need to be used even if you can get the panel somewhat straight. Being that it is black, filler will prob swell and you will have a ton of noticable sand-scratches. If your picky and want it flawless, panel will need to be replaced. Keep in mind…your gonna get what you pay for, so if your cheap…dont be too picky.

No way you’re going to get what you want…

Quarter needs to be cut off and replaced; then to get the finish you want it’ll need to be done in a booth (black and dust suck balls; only way to prevent it is a booth); and every intersecting panel is going to need to be blended.

And as AKA said; you’re going to get what you pay for; especially with a job like that.

Personally, I’ve only got one guy I recommend, but he’s in Rochester and isn’t doing side work at the moment so everything’s going through the shop.

I was in collision work years ago before I fd up my back, so I do have all the tools, supplies and a garage to do the work if I had to do it myself. I just wanted to see if someone on here was good enough with straightening that maybe the panel wouldn’t need to be replaced

Not trying to be a dick, but if you were in body repair you should know the only proper way to do the job would be cutting and replacing if you want a flawless job.

i agree and I never said thats not an option. If the panel needs replaced then so be it.

so in that case who’s up for a qtr job and how much

What is your location? Are you in the buffalo area?

Georges collision does top notch work, and at a good price. PM dirtye30 on here, he works there, and does good work. He may be able to give you some of their pricing and such.

you might be able to do some spot stud welds and pull it out and bag it out. where r u located i can have my boy look at it.

thats what i was originally thinking- pull the dents, bang it out, a little shrink hammer action and smooth…

i think the biggest reason I hate to replace the panel is because the one that’s on there is rust free

located in buffalo/amherst area

ib4itsjustategwhyspendthemoney :gotme:


lol looks like ur anal about keeping the car clean also

after a second look at it…looks like that metal is in far enough and twited enough that it’s prob stretched. you will prob be wasting your time trying to straighten it .

that panel can def be fixed. with the right picks, hammers, dollys, stud gun, etc that can be made pretty damn straight. so minimal filler will be needed

and its black, so what? do things right and it will never shrink back. use good material and it will never shrink back. dont rush the job and it wont shrink back.

and black always matches, unless there is pearl or something in it.

do not change that quarter

wide body time? lol

i will be anal about keeping the car clean once its fixed, right now it looks like a pos anyways so i figure why bother keeping it clean? when its clean the damage just looks worse

and yes it does have a little pearl in it but its a factory color so i’m hoping matching it won’t be too bad


Given that black scratches and fades almost instantly it may be the right color but it never “ages” the same. The peel is never spot on and it requires alot of blend/buff work to get it even with the eye.

‘aging’ has nothing to do with color match, try silver, red, yellow, white pearl (like acuras) those are hard to match. hell most bumpers dont even match from the factory. but black almost always matches, but its the hardest to take care of and shows dents/waves easily. every thing has a trade off

and the fixed panel will look new, so buff the rest to match

and i painted a 4 doors and a bumper on a red cavalier 2 weeks ago and the peel and color was a perfect match, i even surprised my self. for a garage paint job it turned out mint, no bugs, no dirt.

quality tools and materials go a long way