you know what really grinds my gears?

I agree, but I think that if the marks match up like they should, the cop might be able to say something to her and she’d confess. Like lying to the police will put you in jail, etc.

good point… didnt think of that…

thats exactly what i was going for!


people are such fucking faggots sometimes.

on a lighter note, someone hit my boss’s newer bmw a few days ago in my work parking lot, and left their name and number with a note saying “i hit your car. call me.” :tup: to honest people. you will find for the most part people who work at collection agencys are sumbags

Sorry to hear Sam, at least you narrowed the chances by only leaving one side open to be parked next to… and yet it was still hit. WTF.


I would kill her…(serious face)…:slight_smile: hahahahhaha

Call the cops tell them the story…see what they suggest.

If nothing happens, call a tow truck and have her car towed somewhere. Pay with $75 cash. Tell them your son left the car and locked it and you don’t have the keys. It would be worth it in my eyes… lol

Damn Sam, that blows man. All the best. Eye for an eye, like they said…

sorry to hear Sam :frowning: Can’t say i’m not a little nervous about parking there now LOL

I can’t stand dishonest scumbags like that.

how can she say you hit her, when the damage is on the back of your car???

call the cops immediately, before she gets the black marks off of her car!

hhmmmm, grand theft auto… lol. I dont know if that would be worth it. It would be great to see the look on her face but not that great when u hear the steel bar’d door close behind you :slight_smile: .


i called the cops and filed a report with the lancaster police 1st thing this morning. they went and talked to her about it, so i am waiting to hear back. the officer i spoke with seemed to think that this woman was going to have to cough up her insurance info, so we shall see…

If she gets away with it I’d wait 6 months or so then slash her tires. The damage will be less than her deductible so she’ll have to pay out of pocket. Then 6 months later do it again.


thats funny… i would never do it, but its still funny to think about it…

hopefully i will have some updates later today.

yeah keep this updated broski



If she gets away with it and you want revenge. PM me.

plan B :tspry: