you know your a gearhead when...

^^^^lol neither do i but u gotta put a positive spin on shit so u don’t get more pissed, and potentially cause more breakage

you know your a gear head when theres a gear where your head should be

You know you’re a gearhead when you have enough spare parts to assemble a car.

haha that one was awesome.

I once dated a girl named Kendal (like the oil), her dad had a 63 Corvette Parked in a car bubble, in his garage… hahaha you couldn’t even breath on it!

you know your a gearhead when you drop a part on your foot nearly breaking it and all your concerned about it whether you fuck up your part or not, cause health care is free…

i do that all the time! i got ninja quick feet! they have saved me soooo much money!

you know your a gear head - When you go to the bathroom, you always take a parts catalog

you know your a gear head when People ask: “how you’d get all those dents” Your reply: There not dents there works of art

you know your a gear head When you can remember the exact day you bought your car, but forgot about the number of years you have been married.

you know your a gear head When the g/f says she has her period, you immediately start thinking when your car is scheduled for oil change.

you know your a gear head when every room in your place has at least 2 car mags.

lol, damnit!

and atleast 2 car parts!

“When you go to the bathroom, you always take a parts catalog”

i’m guilty of this lol.

I’m guilty of most of that…

You know you’re a gearhead when you make 2JZ exhaust notes with your mouth to help you fall asleep at night…

No joke… I laughed at myself after I realized what the fuck I was doing.

AAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH OMG, sorry to resurrect this thread like 2 weeks later, but wow, I wanna hear more gearhead facts.

You know you’re a gearhead when you hate going shopping but love going to the junkyard.

You know you’re a gearhead when you roll down the windows and mash the pedal in neutral when going under an overpass, just to hear the exhaust.

You know you’re a gearhead when you get withdrawal symptoms if you haven’t driven your car for a few days when its being worked on.

wow… i’m such a gearhead… kinda sad, lol.

you know you’re a gear-head, when you’d rather buy parts for your car, than clothes for your back.

Nope, that just means you aren’t a woman.

i’ll have to try that excuse out on my gf next time she starts ragging me, lol

On the plus side tho. You didn’t wake up and saw the sky and the car is missing lol ( could have been worse lol )

haha let me know when you try that out. :stuck_out_tongue:

LMFAO… that woulda been jokes!!

u know you a gear head when you miss your gf birthday dinner with her family cause your car is getting a FREE oil change

(i done this and it took me like a month to get forgiven)

totally not worth it in the end, lmao. ahhhh, the things we do for our cars…