You owe 40 million to the government for a piece are art you cant sell or donate

Heir receives estate including a stuffed bald eagle. The IRS values it at $65 million, although 3 assessors say its worth $0 because it is ILLEGAL TO SELL. It is also worth 0$ when donated so can’t even be pawned off on a museum. So there is no legal way for the heir to not pay 40 million dollars to the government.


HAHA that’s fucked up

That is some bullshit. Can they take out insurance on it? They value it at $65million give it to the IRS and deduct it from the bill. Prob a felony there too…LOL

Why is it illegal to sell?

bald eagle is attached to it

disregard, fucking birds, they’re not even protected anymore I thought

1940 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act

Dead or alive cant be in possession of one or sell one. Apparently this one was shot and stuffed by one of the Ruff Riders with FDR… Before the law was passed.

now my question is what if the bird was killed prior to any of the bird laws. i see they mentioned that it was rumored to be killed earlier in time. id have the eagle carbon dated lol. why the hell not.

Now what’s say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor.

just light it on fire, and forget the entire thing, i wouldnt want the hassle. They already made millions selling off the other artwork

Problem is you cant deal them if they are alive or dead. Not like people being grandfathered into drivers license laws. This is like when Prohibition started, even if it was made before it was still illegal. The fish and game council or whatever just allowed this one to be kept. Figure if they do it like prohibition the gov’t would destroy it just like they did with alcohol… That would be my argument you can have the stupid bird to destroy, sighting prohibition… F it.

This is why the black market was created.

Yes that was sarcasm.

can’t they turn down what they inherieted or something?

it’s pretty fucked up you have to pay a tax when you inheriet it even though it’s already been taxed but i guess used cars are the same. i would have though the museam would have counted as a donation and a tax write-off. the world today is fucked

That is just plain fucked up. Two major govt agencies can’t even get their bearings straight between themselves. :Idiots

Usually there is paperwork with these types of now-illegal taxidermy(like polar bears rugs) that show when it was completed prior to the law/ban. This takes on a whole new meaning to that though.

if it can’t be sold or traded or donated or whatever then it is worth $0, the irs needs to stop being fucktards and start using common sense.

Umm…i don’t wanna be a history nazi guy but it was Teddy Roosevelt, not FDR that had the ruff riders.

:rofl beat me to it

:lol that would be a good test for carbon dating, they would probably say it’s 1000 years old

Fuck that they won’t destroy it. Obama heard about it and wants to put it on top of his basketball hoop pole.

I heard they had an anthem that DMX performed for them when they were on the trail too. Is this factually correct?

Yup… :skid for me.