You Tube video used in arrest of motorcycle stunt rider

Yeah but on the defense side of it. the Could Of’s might need to be proved to strengthen the defenses case? right? Just sitting there on the box saying, ohh yeah prove it… wont get you very far.

GTFO of the moto section then. Can you do what they are doing on a bike in the videos? I will even give you a prepped bike and a closed course to try it. I bet you can’t. Do not assume people who do what they do are morons for having the skill to do it. Granted stunting in traffic is stupid, and people in the sport frown upon it to a point also, but when you do what you do on a bike a thousand times, the crash/success rate goes up allot and you can “chance it” from time to time if you choose to. All I am saying is I hate it when people who don’t participate in or at the level of the people doing the sports they bad mouth think they know all there is about it and can put their two cents in definitively. I get the same shit all the time, I have pictures of me jumping a bike or a quad over some 60-80’ jumps, pictures and video of me and my friends hitting 60+ foot ski jumps, sliding crazy hand rails around the citys… we have been at it for MANY years and can pull off shit without even thinking about it twice. If I had a nickel for every time someone said you’re an idiot for doing that, or you will kill yourself doing that stuff. Sorry I have skills, and you don’t.

AND the insurance rates are high because there are MORE Harley idiots crashing $25+K bikes, Noobie squids crashing $11K bikes right off the show room floor, scumbags stealing bikes, piss poor car/truck drivers that hit riders, Drunk idiots drinking and riding… than “stunters” crashing their shit on public roads. Also most of the stunt bikes don’t have collision and are junk beaters anyway.