Its the fucking passing lane, not the driving lane. Not the “speeding lane”. If ANYONE passes you on the right, reguardless if said person making the pass was +1mph or +100mph than you are cruising in the passing lane you are doing it wrong.
-Light creepers. the ones that feel like the world will speed up and the light will go green faster, if they stop, creep, stop, creep, up the ass of the person ahead of them. If you are that nervous, side tracked, or what ever the cause is, stay the hell home.
-Bumper to bumper cock blockers. The ones that MUST not let someone in when its bumper to bumper stop and go for miles. That one person getting in ahead of you will not make your trip to point B any slower. infact, its people like you that probably caused the entire fucking problem, the reason you are sitting in that traffic thats pissing your selfish ass off. I myself remedy the situation when someone accelerates blatently to block me as I try to merge by looking them in the eyes out my side window as they try to block me, point ahead like where the fuck would you be going anyway and not back off, I aint afraid to scratch it.
-People who think the only car on the road to pay attention to is the one directly infront of them. See it all the time. ill sit at a red light and watch the people blow past me, jamb on the brakes, becasue the car ahead of them didnt pay attention to jambed on their brakes, like big car slinky with brake lights coming on. Or the ones that pull out to pass, right infront of me about to pass them. I usually slow just enough to draft them, and watch their rear view for the “glance up… OH SHIT OPPS” look… then i waive and say “Ohhh Hai”… pass them and do the “pay attention” two fingers to my eyes, then point at them thing.
-People that use their signals for right turns in parking garages, directly infront of the giant “parking ->” sign. “No shit, really???” I usually yell out if their window is down. I never saw that coming, thanks for the signal, you saved my life.
-People that slow down way BELOW the speed limit when they see a cop, almost causing an accident. Usually directly infront of the cop shooting them with laser/radar, or just past them so the cop sees the tail lights. 9 times out of 10 those people are well below the point where they would get yanked in the first place. If you are that scared to get a ticket, stay the fuck in the right lane, or better yet at home. My remedy is not backing off, and passing them on the right, while face palming them at 70 in a 65 and not getting pulled over for doing so.
I could go on for ever.
And Yes I am a complete dick to stupid piss poor drivers. Driving can be the easiest thing you do all day, unless you suck.