Zcar Owners Help!

Yeah the black one with the Bomex kit…thats mine =] Hopefully we can have the nissan meet once i get the car back from hybrid. But imma have to do0d a passenger side window motor swap cuz i think it died. But i already have the motor so ill do it right when i get the car back. She needs a Flip Out DVD player (well thats what i want, cuz theres no radio or anything, i removed it cuz it was so old) but i’ll prob have to settle for a cheap CD for now so i can at least have tunes. And i wana put my one left over pioneer 12 i have in there too. Just 1 sub, cuz the guy that had the this Z b4 put in 4 tweeters so theres plenty HIGH but not enough LOW for me.

Dont think i forgot about the nissan meet!!! lol Anywayz, update is they still have the car but my bro called and they said they need to put in a new Gasket, i forget which one, but the new feul injector is in and i’m assume so are the new hoses. This is the last thing he hopefully has to do and it should be ready sometime next week, i’m thinking around tues or wed. Tray’s car goes in tho on monday i believe, right tray? So we’ll still have to wait a bit longer for the meet, but my baby should be back soon.

my car goes in monday and its tray lol if ur talking about me haha

Yeah, sry i just woke up when i typed that and i was talkin to my friend nate earlier and that name was in my head i guess, i realized and changed it but i guess you saw it b4 i could, oh well but yeah I think i should get it back after monday, by at least wed i hope.

lol its cool i got up at 330 haha

330? Shame! Hi guys, work DSL was out since monday, posting at home. Let me know when yall want to meet…I am game. A little 240Z drove by me yesterday behind penn center and beeped and waved, anyone know who it is? Blue w/ several panels in primer/white…? :dunno: Also just met a dude who just got a 350Z who is a driving instructor up at BeaveRun…he was on one of my 350Z sites…names Chris, silver 350Z, could I see a track run in the future for the Z peeps??? LOL

UPDATE Well went up to Hybrid Dynamics with the bro to get the car. Tryed to start, wouldnt start off the bat, jason got in the car and started it up somehow (barely too), then when we were leaving the car was shooting out white smoke all the way to the turnpike, got it home went to get gas and couldnt start it up again. Funny thing is some kid in a 240sx (Silva Conversion, body and engine) was right in front of of gettin gas too, pretty sweet. Anywayz we pushed it off to the side and when we tryed to start it, it was makin the flood sound for like 2 seconds then CLICK motor locked up. The oil looked like it was low so we filled it up, no dice. We gotta pay to get the fucker towed back up there prob so basically so far we spent $500 to have the car still not work, lol…Anywayz we’re trying to figure out whats going on and my bro is discussin things with jason, but i dunno, i hope he can fix the car you know cheap to nothing becuz so fair im looking at it as $500 for nothing…i hope he didnt mess the engine up, i mean i’m not saying anything negitive here, but you can see where i’m coming from right guys? Heres a question for everyone, if you were working on a car wouldnt you check the oil before you decide your totally done working on it? Just a question…again not to be disrespectful, but almost a month with the car, $500 bucks to get her running and well it doesnt at all…

just do the TT swap u will be happy in the long run

Wow, I can’t imagine hybrid dynamics would let you drive off w/o oil…wierd :dunno: Wonder what is going on? BUT if it IS something that they did or didn’t do, they should fix it for free :dunno:

umm could you of blown a gasket and burnt off your oil? sounds like you flooded your motor trying to start it with gas and hydrolocked it.

That would suck salty bawls…

my response. ok, i didn’t check the oil. the car was driven here and dropped off. i was asked to get it running, not do an oil change. one would assume that when a car is driven somewhere by the owner, he would be responsible enough to make sure there is enough oil in it. so ok, the oil problem, fine i’ll even take the blame for it just to save face…for now on, hybridynamics will be giving every vehicle a 1,972,654,547 point inspection before it leaves the shop, just don’t bitch when the prices go up.

now, as for what is wrong with this car, and hopefully monday i can post up the video to show everyone just what happens when you put ebay injectors in 300zx.

the car was brought to me running on 5 cylinders with a coolant leak and a vacuum leak. the coolant leak was from a hose under the intake manifold that was slightly ripped and not seated the whole way. the dead cylinder was due to another locked up injector, a very commom problem with any nissan from the 90’s with side feed injectors. my maxima had one go bad around 110,000 miles, so he should be lucky his car has made it to 188K before having this problem.

anyway, a new injector was ordered from nissan, as well as a couple of vaccum hoses for the back of the engine that connect to IACV, and air regulator. upon dissassembling the intake manifold to get to the injectors, i find every injector clip to be broken, and no retaining wires holding them on. i told the customer about this and how i forsaw this being a problem down the road. also, the wiring harness on the top of the engine was in poor condition, brittle wires, corroded terminals on every plug. (if you look back, tray even reccommended getting a new wiring harness)

anyway, the intake manifold gasket needed to be replaced, since the last time it was apart it was never changed, and was torn in about 3 spots and tried to be sealed with silicone. so i changed the #6 injector with the new one from nissan, got everything buttoned back up, actually putting bolts back in places there were no bolts, like the egr tubes that run into the intake manifold. i start the car, only problem was the gas pedal needed depressed slightly in order to start the car. this is also a problem with nissans that if the air regulator goes bad, or isn’t getting could contact, due to corroded terminals, it’s a little sluggish to start. other than that, i drove the car, it was fine.

the customer came to pick the car up, was having problems starting it, i went out, pumped the gas and was able to start it. i figured it was just the problem with the air regulator. he called back about an hour later, said the car wouldn’t start, i told him to bring it back and i would take care of it.

i get here this morning, the car is here, i try and start it, wouldn’t do anything, no spark. so i start by testing the crank angle sensor, took it out, spun it by hand, no spark and no injectors firings. i jiggle the wires to it, and bam, the injectors and coils are firing, so yet again, another problem with the terminals and plugs on the harness. so i start next with a compression test. put it in the #1 hole, go to crank it, and bam, my guage is now ruined, spike to 350 PSI. so there we go, we have the problem of why the motor wouldn’t turn over for him after it left here. the #1 injector that he replaced with an ebay injector before bringing it to me is now hung open, dumping fuel constantly into the cylinder, basically trying to hydrolock the engine with fuel.

so now, it needs another injector, which i will replace free of charge on the labor just to try and save face with this customer, which probably isn’t going to happen.

so there you have it, the story of this 300zx.

cliff notes…

nissan injectors suck, putting used injectors in your car is a bad idea, customer is pissed, i’m pissed, everyone is pissed…blah blah blah

:hsugh: :rant:

to be honest 500 bucks on a car that had as much shit wrong with it as jay posted I would be happy. Just think you could have bought injectors that worked for under 500 bucks and be on the road

x2…just take this as a life lesson as…



Hey, jay, you remember when we came up, i was the younger kid of the 2 (the one you saw for the first time). If you talk to anyone about anything important make sure you tell my brother you need to talk to me. He doesnt know much about cars (well not nearly as much as i do). He also has a temper problem, he’s just pissed becuz you know 300zx = money, money, money (which we dont really have, which obviously we shouldnt have got this 300zx in the first place). Just talk to me if you need to know anything important or whatever cuz i (unlike my brother) can remain calm about things. I mean it was his money so i cant really sit here and say i wouldnt get pissed, its just i guess he figured $500 out the window for a car that still doesnt run you know, i told him it’s either another injector, or a vacum leak problem, he was scared that the engine was totally dead now and shit. Also the oil thing, i thought there was oil in there but when we check it when we got it back it looked really low, and shit i dunno, no ones fault on that one. As for the clips, yeah thats what happens when i’m at college and my brother gets a friend to do the work for free…not your fault. As for missing bolts etc…he bought it as is so what evers up with the engine (besides the hard pipes, cuz i did those) were the previous owners fault. Again, thats for fixing the problem, he’ll be fine once you tell him everythings alright and as for me, well you’re still ok in my book haha…

BTW I heard about the phone conversation lol, he said we wasnt mad at you or anything, i mean all he wanted is a car that ran becuz thats why he brought it to you. I mean put yourself in his shoes, he doesnt know anything about this car really so when it didnt work thats all he knew, which was way he brought it to you - to get it to run. I just tryin to make it so no hard feelings cuz ive been there in both shoes. I mean you just gotta keep cool, things flow better, i dunno what happened in the convo but he said he was just trying to make sure the car was up there, becuz we waited for a long ass time for the fucking AAA people to tow that shit. Yeah it was an all around bad day yesterday heh. He also said you were swearing up a storm at him, im just tryin to make sure everything cool now that we know whats going on…i think he wants to sell it now anywayz becuz for him its becoming a money pit, otherwise i’d still say you’d keep us as a customer, that is if you’d still wana deal with us after this. I mean if you wanted you could go through me, i’m a little more cool headed heh. HA i feel like a guidance consular. Just to be perfectly clear, we in NO way think any less of you as a mechanic and shit, like its a fucking car, problems are they’re main aspect in life, well that and gettin you from point A to B haha…

well honestly man, right now there are some hard feelings. when i get a phone call like i did this morning from your brother, and then i see on here him trash talking me, obviously i’m gonna have some hard feelings. the problem is, you have a 14 year old car with 188K miles, and shit goes wrong. i fix the car, and the second something else goes wrong with the car, boom, it’s automatically my fault. i have been 100% honest with you guys and told him not to worry i would take care of the problem. even though i personally feel that i should charge the labor to fix yet another injector again, i’m not gonna be a prick and do that. the car needs 5 more new injectors, and all new plugs put on the harness to be fixed properly. thats the way it should have been done in the first place, not letting your friend work on it so he can break every plug on the motor.

regardless, i just think you or your brother, whoever has been posting on here, needs to talk to me and let me find out the problem before you jump to conclusions.

anyway, the car will be fixed. it will run on 6 cylinders, i’m sorry that this had to come all of this, but i guess thats the way it goes. thats the one thing i really hate about this business is that it is so hard to make everyone happy. everywhere i turn, someone is always bitchin about something.

Yeah, i know, we dont have the money to fix them all, but if he keeps it then we will prob do that, and we really wana do a swap. And thats what i’m tryin to tell you, we in no way are trash talkin you. I’m the only one posting from this name (which is me and my brother name, he doesnt even come on these forums tho). Like 2-3 posts ago i stated that i was in no way being mean or tryin to be negitive toward your work, so if your refering to a quote on here it must be from another poster not related to us. We know your being 100% honest, thank you, like its just we didnt know that 2 injectors were bad, i mean you said there might be a problem down the road (i think with something to do with an air regulator) but we didnt think you ment anything would be wrong in an hour…im just tryin to make it cool cuz like i said, we’re not mad at you or anything

EDIT If your talking about were i said “we spent $500 for nothing cuz the car still didnt work” or whatever the crap i said, first i said i ment no disrepect, but i guess to a mechanic such as yourself you felt i was being disrepectful and for that i mean i’m sry, but like thats just the view from my brother u know…i didnt mean for you to interpurt that as trash talk

I’d like to say that I in no way meant any disrespect at all by the comment that was quoted, being as that I get a very positive feeling about the quality of your work at hybriddynamics. I am sorry that this Z is having such problems, but you are right, if the car didn’t get great care in the past before these guys bought it then it’s not going to do well w/o a big investment. I hope all of you can work it out and come to a good result w/ all of this. :frowning:

i really wasnt taking any disrespect from you on that…i’m glad that you hear good things about the quality of work we do.

the main problem is this. the majority of the cars that come through our shop are 10+ years old, and have major issues that need to be addressed, but more often than not, they aren’t due to the customers lack of funds. but we understand this. the problem is, the customer gets the car back, and now has a problem with something that needed fixed and all of a sudden is quick to jump down our throats and say we screwed it up. for example, this 300z. there is absolutely no problem with the injector that i replaced, but a problem with an injector that was already replaced by someone else. but everyone is so quick to assume that we’re at fault. believe me, i stand 100% behind my work as much as i can. it’s tough a lot of times because of what these cars are put together for most of the time, which is to go out and pound the crap out of. it just sucks that everyone wants stuff done cheap, but expect top dollar results.

either way, today has just been a bad day. i’m in a bad mood…

speedricer—the injector’s ordered, it should be in by the middle of next week. as soon as it is here, i’ll put it in and get the car back to you. there’s no hard feelings. i understand that you or your brother is pissed that you got the car back and there was still a problem, but as i’ve told him all along, we’ll take care of it. i’ll give you a call when it’s done…