2007 RUST PROOFING and again only $90WOW

was there last thursday… I saw GTS’s car there but he was nowhere to be found.

Overall I’m happy with the service, I didn’t realize my car was going to leak and drip oil all over the damn place everywhere i go… everytime I clean the bumpers off the next morning they are covered with oil again…

Assuming it works well, it’s worth it because other than it being a pain in my ass to clean it up, it seems to wipe up fairly easily.

Thanks for the great service Igor!

I was inside the shop talkin to Igor.

And yes, you’re right, the oil drips for a few days, best to wait 2-3 days for the dripping to stop then power wash your car.

brought my parents mazda three there great job
brought my audi by great jobbbb

now im deciding if i should bring my 240 even tho i dotn drive it lol

I do hope you guys are checking your cars thoroughly for what you paid for. because i have been told and seen people get ripped off. Krown drip? Wow… that is amazing. Their “crap” dries and basically disappears. now it’s dripping? ha.

Not bashing here one bit. just speaking from experience. seen it. to many times. =WE do under coating. 100 bucks inside doors, trunk, hood, wheel wells, under body, firewall. anything that can be sprayed will be sprayed. no drip guarantee.

Krown has a name for them. Just like Canadian Tire, people still keep going and getting ripped off.

If it wipes off very easily…what do you think is happening to your under body in inclement weather?:/:


it seems you either have had bad experience with a shop, or you know about rust proofing,
being in business for over 14 years, i have seen it, and done it all,
there is not a product that i have not seen on the market,
what works and what doesnt,

if i were you guys and girls, do your research, before you get ripped off for any type of service,
i can assure you noone does what we do, noone,
does krown work, absolutely,
if it didnt, why would we be CAA only product ever endorsed,
APA recommended,
spraying hundreds of fleets including city buses and vehicles.

we spray vehicles from day one, since they are brand new, once a year, and over 10 years later, the vehicles look exactly the same. meaning RUST FREE.

everyone you are welcome, if it drips it works,

the last post, you mention that what you think its happening to your under body in inclement weather, what you think its happening with no rust proofing on your car what so ever???

whatever you guys need, dont hesitate to contact me,
Igor Pogachnik,
on behalf of,

oh ohhh its snowing, freezing, the salt, what you think that does to your car,
spend a little now, save thousands later,
it worksssssssssssssssssssssss!!!

It is worth every penny, I rustproof my cars at KrownLakeshore and it helps. My advice for anybody who is driving in Canadian winter and expect to have 100% rust free car forever - shop at Toys-R-Us.


I got my car done a few days ago. Great work, quite thorough as a matter of fact. They let me stand in the garage the whole time and watch. :slight_smile:

Watch your step, the garage floor is slippery as hell. lol

I was wondering how unsafe it is to inhale Krown oil mist all day if you work there…at least your lungs won’t rust.

our lungs are always moist,
actually it is the only environmentally friendly rust proofing on the market,
thats why we spray government vehicles, otherwise we would never be able to get those contracts,
thanks for the kind words,
thanks for the continued patronage,
Igor and KrownLakeshore,