240sx on 400 street racing

I had a similar dream that I was flying. :smiley:

i’m not a psycho analyst or anything…but when you start dreaming about giving chase on the 401…

i’d gamble that you got some underlining issues dude

you may want to go and get that checked out

blah blah making bad name’s for 240sx owners…dont you know that no matter what the car is. SOMEwhere some one is gunna be a idiot no matter what car they drive. if you have problems buy a mountain bike, join their form and listen to them bitch about getting speeding tickets cause i seen a guy on a pedal bike get a ticket not to long ago.

anyways i am over 50 alot…

why do people like to admit doing 50 over?

is it a cool factor thing?

like really

theres other people on the road, families, loved ones

if someone was ever going that fast and caused an accident where my mom, brother, or g/f was involved as a result of them speeding, i can gaurentee they wouldnt be driving anymore unless if they can afford hand pedals since theyre legs woudlnt work.

im so glad i live where i do, and not in the gta
we dont have a lot of misfit retards down in this neck of the woods

^I concur 100% with that one.

+1 it’s pretty nice down here

^so true and so funny

^^^^ Its funny but not true THERE IS ALWAYS COPS LOL LOL LOL^^^^

two summers ago me and my buddie got tickets for being intoxicated while operating a deadly machine lol. stunt bikes?
theyt ook them away and i had to pay liek 120 buks to get it back ol

LOL, well I didn’t know how else to say it, so I said dream. Should I have gone with hypothetical situation instead? :smiley:

I had a dream that I was in a major chase and my car sensing trouble started dumping fluids & there was chaos behind me cop cars killed a bunch of soccermoms & they abolished the street racing law. Yes! I have serious ISSUES with the street racing law.

Solarian, why did you feel compelled to share that with SON?

:S Very confusing…

My dad has gotten a speeding ticket on a 10 speed bicycle.
No lies. Just Truth. no DUI, just Speeding on a bike.

Seriously? How fast?

30 k zone,

he was going 48km


This was 7-9 years ago, mind you.

+1 Tosh

Plus, if you are driving a 92 or older you kind of have to assume the speedo ins’t working…

If it were me, I would have sped off on my bike and hop a few curbs.

That’s ridiculous…48km/hr in a 30km/hr zone on a BICYCLE!

Cause it’s a fuck lot more interesting of a story than what you have to share? :stuck_out_tongue:
Hey guys, if I don’t run an equal length manifold, will I get spinback, or improper spool?

I got a 10km/hr over speeding ticket two months ago. Lamers

wait until you are aware that there are speed traps, and you specifically slow down to 48 in a 50… and they still step out… just to try to fit a pop between your front bumper and the road… THATS LAME

Officer “I cant find my fingers between the road and your bumper, your car is too low”

ME: “well with all due respect, how about we use some smaller fingers” - dude was fat as shit

fuck that *their discrection bulshit"