240sx on 400 street racing

In the toronto star they said 28 ppl were caught street racing & get this – a teen was clocked at 236kph in a … LINCOLN lss. talk abt profiling cars, flipped to the comments section & someone commented that the parents r at fault for letting a teen drive such a lethal vehicle.

239km’s/hour to be exact - in an 80 zone at that

what a fucking moron

that made me so mad when i read it, i was ranting at work for the next hour -none of the customers who came in wanted to talk to me haha

thats fucking stupid, i hate how they judge the tuner community, when my friends speed limit on bayview is 150, and he drives his dads cadillac or rav-4, its retarded.

Tonight I saw with my own two eyes a blue traffic cruiser doing over 150 with out his lights on!!! He got off of Victoria Park heading West bound. I was in the fast lane on the collectors doing 110km when I notice in my rearview mirrow the head lights of a car flying in the right lane, I was saying to my mom the car looks like a curiser!!! YES it was!!! I wish I got his plates I would have called it in.

^^ why? so he’d get arrested haha

pretty sure he can do that if he wants to - just like he could drive on the shoulder, pull a u turn, or go through red lights.

call in his plate number and then listen for the sound of laughter on the other end of the police phone.

You forgot about the cop that got pull over from another cop for speeding in Peterborough?

cops dont need to put their lights on there is always a situation where they are not needed or dont want to be seen they have planes now ppl so they sneek up on all the so called street racers its getting ridiculus

when are they gonna quit there will always be somone out there fucking shit up for the rest of us