3 tickets in 1 day.

Worst day ever, I get a parking ticket for $30 in the mourning for going to pick up my girlfriend from school…I come back to my car with my girlfriend still bitching at me because I could only find parking far away…I am getting off the DVP at eglinton and a cop pulls me over, and my girlfriend continues to bitch at me because I am going to make her late for work now “Like it’s my fault” the cops give me a ticket because I didn’t have proof of insurance on me for $70 bucks wich my girlfriend took out of the car for some stupid reason unknown!. The Cop also says that my trip-perment expires today, so go get a new one. After picking my girlfriend up from work at 4:00pm I had 20 minutes to go get a another trip-perment for my car. She tells me to park right infront of the place because itwas cold outside and she didn’t want to walk, and to go in and she will pay for parking. So I walk in and she comes in 10 minutes later bitching at me and making a scene because the lineup is taking so long…as she is walking out a cop just smacks a ticket on the window…she looks at me and says shit I forgot to pay parking “wich was her fault because she didn’t want to walk half a block around the corner and park there” so in total today I got $130 in tickets, wich I now have to spend many hours at court to fight. My girlfriend then bitches at me because I said I promised my buddie I would help him put in his stereo system and she says that she never wants to talk to me again because I am soo irresponsible and that I never spend time with her. So shity day for me:thumright:

If any of you guys have a really bad day story please share so I dont feel like this only happens to me lol!

i got 3 tickets in a day $370 dollers

you can get off the no insurance slip so damn easy

ur tickets arnt bad at all

yea its just the many hours in court I have to do thats shity.

I hate when GFs are bitches like that…


This would be a curb. As in where you should kick your GF to.


$130 in tickets bo-hoo

my 3 tickets in 1 day story, 120 in 100 in quebec, I floor it to merge with 401 traffic, same cop 2 mins’ later 130 in 100, and he switched the first ticket and the #'s were all out of sequence.

then 166 in 100 on my way back that day from OPP. that day was at least $1000+.

FYI: parking tickets aren’t issued by cops.

insurance slip u can just show them u have it and u win

parking is gay i paid mine already

and by the sounds of it ur whipped hehe :stuck_out_tongue: minor price ul have to pay

way ahead of you bro, she called me 20 minutes later. Told her :gtfo:

you think thats bad? try writing off your car one week after an engine swap and then having about 11g’s in damages

get a new g/f… that would definitly make your day better

that’s nothing.

buddy of mine got 5 tickets in one shot in his GTR… just as he was pulling into his driveway no less…

cops are just stupid i got a ticket last week for having a “improper muffler”. i have a megan racing exhaust. its different when the muffler is getting dragged or if its rotted. the best part is when the cop tells me i’m not allowed to use aftermarket exhaust.

same cop 2 mins’ later 130 in 100, and he switched the first ticket and the #'s were all out of sequence.

wow what a fucking Pig

yep, that shit flies in quebec, I showed for trial and everything… Pointed out that the tickets were 4 minutes apart and somehow the ticket #'s were 8 #'s apart.

He had a pre-written his tickets that day, it was obvious, and the first one had a mistake so when he came to the car the second time he said let me see the first ticket, took it and replaced it, and gave me a 3rd.

I tried, but the judge didn’t care.

I even told the pig it was abitrary, but the francophone didn’t know what that meant

iv got the same ticket in november, and still waiting for a court date, and i got a noise ticket too. and a littering, and a failing to move to the right for an emergency vehicle lol

i got 4 tickets in two hours last summer…

3 license plate violations and a blown red.

pulled over twice… some are still in court.

yay for fighting stuff

i got bust for speeding and got 2 tickets, 1 for speeding and 1 for “unnessary niose”, here’s the story, i was going about 70 in a 50 zone, passed a PARKED cop car , he was outside his car going for pizza, i guess he was going to the store!, newayz buddy jumps back in his car, peels it comming after me, so i knew he was going to get me so i just stpoed and waited for him at the side, no sense running, could off!! so i said let me run my phone to record the conversation, he said i was doing ABOUT 90!! wtf, he already screwed up, cops cant judge ur speed by how fast they have to go to catch u, i asked for a rader, he said he didnt catch me on it, so he like whats the hurry, i said my pet( cat) needs medical attention rite now an im goint to the vet rite now, he looks at my cat in its carrier, and says that the stupidiest excuse i;v ever heard, he then goes back and gives my 2 tickets, 1 for speeding and 2 for unnessary niose, im gussing it my mulfler, now in the whole conversation he didnt say anything about it, i put in court, the court day came, i even took my cat to court( lolz) , the judge heard the conversation, both tickets were droped, and check this the cop ot a warning from the judge for critising animals, he was told it could get him a 1 week suspension, next time lolz!! hahaha FUCK U YOU frigging cock sucker, we were leaving the court he came to appoligise to me cause he felt stupid, i told him to save it,
the judge was lucky thank god a woman who like animals and has a cat also, so i guess my cat saved me there, he got treats for like a whole month!! lol!,

^^^^^^^LoL dats a great story fuckin pigs if they give me a ticket ill stick it 2 em