6 clock global news

Mark’s right unfortunately. Evil sells, and if they show us in any other light than that, they are potentially going to lose money.
I know what they do isn’t fair, but… get a beater and try to minimize the amount of street driving you do in your track car. Atleast until this shit blows over (if it ever blows over…), cause we can’t win.

That fat pig: “uuh he put a cooling uuh for the turbo uuuh” FUCK YOU DOG BITCH!


I can’t believe this shit! They impounded that guy with the bozo whatever style tailpipes!!! THAT IS HORSE SHIT!!!

You should go around to weekly meets of the local guys and get some words in. I’m pretty sure most of us wouldn’t mind putting in a good word, and showing the REAL side to the car enthusiasts of toronto.

niceee justin… lets hope u can get that safety done and bam ur back on the road… dont go on hwy7

this is super gay

isnt that wilsons old white s13

They do a blitz every year around this time!!! they would not be going to that spot for a while unless something happens.

so long there is no blitz at square one right before the Bings meet.

Let’s all pray to the car god so that this does not happen.

If I was a cop, I’d pull your shit over too.

And that S13, that guy needs a punch in the face for wiring like that…simply horrific.

No, I’ve got Wilson’s S13. I’m trying to keep it as stock looking as i can. Don’t wanna deal with this bullshit.

whats wrong with the exhaust??

i think its because exhausts tips get hot… really hot… and if he comes off the road from a nice long cruise and parks up someone comes by and doesnt know and goes to touch it and burns off the tips of his fingers… that could be the reasoning for pulling the car off the road… i dont know just guessing!

Actually after justin pulled up to one of our meets every wednesday at 401 and dundas i touched his exhaust for just that, to see if it did heat up, and suprisingly, somehow it was still cold…

That is sweet S14, but unfortunately, it would not pass a safety inspection because the exhaust pipe interferes with the function of the bumper. If a car rear ends that S14, the piping may bend downward and aim right at the windshield of the car that’s behind the S14.

Perhaps a quick release on the piping? Make it a two piece? Stick it on for shows or the track, but remove it for the street?

i would love to get interviewed for the media!!! i would have clips of cops saying stupid, and keep correcting them, especially that guy that said jus cause we have multi sets of tires we street racers!! somebody please interview ME!!!

lol, retarded…

those news people go to the hw7 woodbridge Tims hotspot,
and go interviewing the wrong people…

No different than a harley sitting in a parkinglot with a hot exhuast.

No, they interview everyone and only keep the stuff that supports their view. I’ve been interviewed for stuff before, knowing that I didn’t say what they wanted to hear, and sure enough, mine’s missing from the clip reel when they air it on TV…

Yay for unbiased media :S

Welcome to the reality of ‘modern’ western media. They only show what is in the interest of a certain particular interest groups (lobbies, government, politicians, financiers, etc…)

but they didn’t book Jim McKenzie…

this time…

preech the truth

all and all
I really did enjoy that 14000 RPM rev at the begining of the show.
that sure got my attention.

I am still anxious to know what you were really booked for? did it have anything to do with the exhaust?

get news coverage for bings meet to show the public and media that we can have organized meets with out street racing being involved.

I think bings meet is a perfect oppurtunity to show up the media
anyone agree?

thats if everyone can be mature