***9/02/07 NYSpeed end of summer BBQ @ Letchworth ***PAYMENT Deadline 8/20***

:ohyeah: I just wrote the pre-menu…

It is about to be submitted to the organizers for voting… then hopefully soon i will have a pretty close template as to what the food will be depending on the number of people who chose to come out!

Oh, and this time i will be heading out like an hour ahead of everyone and setting some stuff up. and if the budget allows for it i may have a really cool cake. Does everyone like cake?

Cake? It must be done!

I love Cake! They are the greatest band!


I love Cake! They are the greatest band!


that would be cool, however what i am alluding to is that i am very close with a professional baker. She does specialty cakes for all sorts of events, including the most elaborate things that you would ever see. And it isn’t a ricer cake, all show no go… achm horrible joke achm They are also fucking delicious as well.

im tryin my best to make it to this, and hell yes for cake mike :clap:

I love cake as well, as long as we can squeeze it in im all for it, im sure mike has some ideas spinning in his head about this.

Also any updates from the i have to check my calander section?

Aww Hell, I’m in.

Paypal has been sent…

Just PM’ed Mike back, should be one hell of a menu!

yay i get to go to this one

BUMP … For sat night… 10-11pm weather pending @ mighty. 15 try to have the exact amount please

I’ll be there tomorrow night as well after the Street Warriorz event.

I did not make it last night, the event went later then I expected. I will be at Mighty tonight at 9 till 11.

OK the paid list begins… i realize that last night might have been bad for some with street warriorz goin on but i was there as promised from 10pm-12am. The paid list looks like this from last night.


  1. altimarollin-- Phil W

I am definetly in!!! i wanna be cool and be in the Nyspeed Vol.2

If I’m not workin I’m in.

Just to let everyone know now that ALL MONEY IS DUE IN BY AUGUST 20th, We wont accept anymore payments past then because in all fairness to mike we need to get everything squared up. We can determine the exact number of people going this wayand get the proper amount of food / drink (pop). I know last time that we made exceptions this time i really dont want to have 15 people coming to us and saying that they didnt have time. There are 22 from today to get ahold of one us , one of us will be at sg or mighty a few times during the weeks . If you need to make an arrangement to pay in person pm me, thou im not home everyday id be more then willing to let you drop by my house to do so. Im not doing this to come off dickish but i just want to make sure everyone knows this well in advance vs a few days in advance. Thanks Phil

Wifey and I are in for sure now.

If we dont get enough payments in the next week to @ least lock up the shelter we might not be able to get the shelter we want. If we cant lock up a shelter large enough we might have to pull the plug on this. To my knowledge im the only one who has paid, my 15 is in an envelope that i had with me @ both meets i went to over the weekend.

So please guys in order for this to happen we really need you to come thru and get this off the ground , we have to book ASAP!

come to southgate tomorow night ill be thurr

I can prob. stop up at MT on Wed. night to collect payments. Will update soon…