A friends younger sister hit by truck

I heard about this on the Radio this morning. Sorry to hear. If this happended near where 246 comes in to 63 there are always Trucks near there. I hope she pulls through.

This reminded me of when that women got hit on William St. walking home from a bar a few years back. I was there when it happened and now I got shivers again.

i played hockey with both of them too… lol

mark’s a good friend of mine, and scooter is a cool guy too

news video

copy/paste: javascript:playVideo(‘3106536’, ‘Orchard%20Park%20college%20student%20in%20hospital’, ‘v’, ‘News’, ‘59833’, ‘News’, ‘’, ‘’,‘flv’);

wow sorry to hear bill.

I think this is what you wanted to post


Ugh not good, she is listed in grave condition in that article. That is aweful, she is a very pretty girl, hope she pulls through. Keep us posted.

Wow gorgeous girl, thats really terrible. Somethings strange about how that semi didnt see her, i doubt she would just walk infront of it.Hope she pulls through!!

Terrible to hear. Hope she pulls through, 63 right by the campus semi’s are always hauling through there.

Well the story said she tried to cross the street. She must have looked quick and then just went for it.

Just Terrible. In my thoughts…

thats possible but why would a smart young girl do something like that? if it was a young kid or drunken asshole it would make more sense. Any update on her condition?

its looking bad :frowning:

i can’t believe this is happening again :frowning:

shit man keep praying, whats the worst part of her injuries? head trauma?

my neighbor told me about that

My girlfriend was friends with her in high school and she just called me and gave me bad news.
I’m sure someone will post something up later though.
God this sucks, I feel terrible for the fam, and all her friends, I’ve lost friends before and it’s the hardest damn thing to swallow.

So what does that mean?

I am pretty sure I played soccer with both of her brothers and her dad was our coach. Ian with an accent? How shitty of a thing to have happen.


Yea, my dad is a soccer referee and is good friends with Ian…awful to hear this about anyone

i grew up just a few miles from there, that stretch of 63 is really bad. there are lots of accidents there, my sister was rear ended there 2 years ago, pretty bad accident. hope she pulls through.

I heard bad news as well. Leaving it at that.