A friends younger sister hit by truck

just got back from the hospital. we had a candlelight deal infront of their house, then i drove a couple of the guys back up and we stayed from like 8-12:30.

the family was in better spirits and that was VERY relieving, because i would have lost it, which is selfish, but… anyways, we just chilled and played cards and talked and whatnot. took a walk down the road, laughing and having a good time. not very tense at all.

right now it is just a waiting game.

if you are close to Mark or Scotty, or Karen and Ian, by all means, visit :slight_smile: they were very thankful, and it’s VERY nice to know that soooo many people love and care for Lindsay and her family. that is the only time her mother teared up while i was there (realizing all the people caring for the family)…

Not that this helps I guess but more unfortunate news. My sister goes to Ithaca and one of her friends got hit by a car tonight and she witnessed it.

The scumbag driver didn’t even fucking stop. She ended up having to give a statement to the police as a witness. The kid was airlifted to Syracuse rather than going to the hospital in Ithaca so that doesn’t seem like a very good sign.


what the hell is wrong with people today?

this is so so sad. my thoughts and prayers go out to all family and friends.

i realize shes off life support and such, and her condition is shitty as hell, but any idea if shes getting ANY better in even the slightest ways?

is she concious? comatose ?

I know this wasn’t the situation at all, but next time you’re thinking about street racing, think about what you’re about to do, and if the consequences are worth it. Even if you “just kill yourself” like so many people like to say, just imagine what you’d put your family and friends through.

I feel so bad for that family, and I don’t even know them. I think it was the poster that said she is a “daddy’s girl”, and she and her mom are best friends, because that is my girlfriend and her family to a ‘T’. I just can’t imagine :frowning:

fyi lindsay was not taken off life support, im not sure where this info is coming from. as of today she was still on life support.

so i went home which is like 10 miles from geneseo, rumor is it was suicide… any truth to this?

no way it was suicide … people fine other ways to commit suicide if they are gonna do it. just like poeple dont try to break their neck by running into a wall.

sure it would possibly work, but your just as likely to wind up a cripple for the rest of your very long life.

getting hit by a car is most definantly an accidental type situation, hell, i just took a passanger side mirror to the shoulder of my jacket last night … if i hadnt stopped to tie my shoe a minute before it happened i would have been standing where the guy crossed over in front of me and almost hit the ditch …

that is a horrible rumor. she had absolutely everything going for her and she was a very happy girl. :meh:

guys, the arrangements for the organ donations have been set. the organs are no good unless Lindsay dies of brain death. that is why i say it is now a matter of time


this has too be alot worse than everyone is leading on. My cousin rolled his truck bad a few years ago and was in a coma for the better part of 6 months. They gave him his last rights 3 different times. Funny how that works because we were just hanging out the other day.

I think its pretty cool that if she does pass that they are donating her organs to save lives, thats probably the greatest gift to give life.:tup: Sucks for the family and the girl tho, It just dosent make sense how do you just wonder out infront of a big rig.

Best wishes to the family.


fuck this story really breaks my heart :(. That is too young, something still doesnt make sense about how she ended up infront of a semi. She obviously wasnt a stupid girl. Something doesn’t seem right about the driver.

Not to be defensive but if there was foul play at hand I am sure the skid marks would have shown that. Sounds like it was just a bad situation.

:tdown: to the loss of a life
:tup: to being brave enough to be an organ donor.

I know myself am not one, but have contemplated it numerous times.

thats true idk its just a very sad thing to happen and is just boggling my mind along with everyone. Ive been meaning to make myself and organ donor if anything every happened to me.

In NY I believe you just check the back of your license and sign it?

oh in that case i already am then.

Why wouldn’t you be an organ donor? You’re dead… you won’t need those parts anymore. I know I am one for that reason. If there are good parts that can be used elsewhere, let people have em! :slight_smile: Hopefully they don’t let me die just because they need my parts though!

As for this story, I hate reading this thread :frowning: So sad, especially since she seemed like a bright girl with a lot going for her!