accidental drifting in a Sunfire '04

I guess you’re jacking off yourself since you didn’t have any advice to offer either.

I hate people like you.

^^ Bwahahhahahahah


rofl you guys are to much. Much love, and actually if you must know, it had nothing to do with me being stupid. I was not joy riding or anything else. So good grief, also… You guys might want to grow up to :stuck_out_tongue: telling others to do what you have not is a bit critical. Like I can understand the idiot part maybe, but the grow up one. seems like you guys to have to grow up.

LOL im joking, maybe i do need to grow up but still I love you all :wink:

someone close this thread its ridiculas

There is nothing wrong with the “shit gm” its the shit behind the wheel where you will find the answer to your problem.

X2 This thread =
…I always wanted to use

Isn’t telling people what they should do, giving advice?

Although, I shouldn’t expect more from someone who’s posts usually just saying how “old” someone’s thread is.

Paul Wall Is a thug dentist wanna be and he does have that “I got the internet going nuts” song. Sounds like another case of internet thugary…

Its okay at least you didnt pit another 240 into a guard rail on the highway in a chevy.

Wow, you’re stupid. Read his post again. Then go read mine. If you don’t understand, go back to step 1.

I lol’d

Seriously wtf is up with SON lately?

The average age of SON has dropped while the average income of their parents remains high?


I love SON, it’s so entertaining!


His advice was telling people to give advice. Now go back to my post aka step 1 then try to understand what I said… Tard.

guys, its a PONTIAC nothing worth arguing okay?

You must be a newb. No one actually cares about the Pontiac in case you haven’t noticed. People just need/want someone to make fun of and bash. :slight_smile:

Dude service your vehicle, and repair your brakes and your set. When I worked at Prestige motors I once took in a 1996 Pontiac in on a trade for like $1000.00 it had 382,000 km’s on it, the guy used it to transport goods, he was a courier or something, the thing ran like new and it wasn’t even the GT model with the 2.4L it was a base model 2.2L

Your car will only treat you the way you treat it.
