another RANT

Good luck man.

Why were you driving without insurance in the first place?

i got behind on all my bills & i fucked up

This hasn’t been your week dude.

sounds like a cop out to me… don’t worry, we will foot the bill. whenever its convenient for you. pay it off! thanks!

ok ya i’m gonna go further my education so i can get a good job…ya cop out let me tell ya…

and yes, i said i was un-employed but that doesnt mean i’m not going to make every attempt to pay them something every month when i get my money once a month… u just assumed i was tryn to get out of paying this…but i am not…there just not getting 9k from me at once

please there are bigger fucking things we have to worry about as tax payers than someone hitting a pole and not being able to pay it. wtf shit happens don’t make it any worse on him…as a board/car club/community i thought we were supposed to help each other out?! let him fucking get back on his feet before you start giving him more of a headache than he needs. fuck is wrong with you(yea you whitey)

I wonder if the electric company carries a rolling insurance policy on telephone poles, transmission lines, etc.?? I’m thinking it would make sense that they would, but then again I can see why they wouldn’t.

Well, I mean, what are you going to do. I’m not going to sit here and chastize you for what you did. I mean, obviously, you know what you did was wrong, and you will be forced to pay for your consequences, both financially and in other ways like your health and your ability to be insured in the future.

Hopefully you can find an amicable median with the power company and work out some sort of payment plan. I’m sure they’d be much more interested in that than you not paying at all.

^^^i would agree that is better than not paying it off at all…but honestly wtf everybody has their share of fuck ups in life…what type of low life picks and pokes at what someone else has done wrong

I’ve gotten fucked a couple of times at work by customers that have filed for bankruptcy. It happens. But, there are 2 or 3 customers that were sold, promised payment, then something came up and they didn’t pay. But, both of them, promised payment of what they could afford and eventually, after a year or two, they paid it off in full. Obviously, it’s not how we would have preferred to have been paid, but it is better than nothing.

My main man JC always says you should never judge you neighbor…but you should forgive him/her

Sorry to hear man…that is a bit high for a pole. Seems like they wanna make some serious profit off of your misfortune.

ya thats what my mom and I were thinking too

better have a lawyer if they dont go for a payment plan of some sort…

or your gettin fucked… big time.
jail time?

i dunno if jail time would be the case…but being fucked ya i know this

i dont know how true this is but i was told that as long as i am make every attempt to pay that they cant do much to me

Probably keep sending collection notices and will go on credit report

INS. FTW… ive accumulated over 50K in accident damages in the past. i still only pay about 1200 a year in ins.

CHRIS, DID YOU LEARN SOMETHING FROM THIS?!?!?!?!? (in my fatherly voice)

I hope your week gets better.

ohhh my yes i did

I’m glad to hear.

dont worry little dude everyone fucks up one or two times it will all Work its self out the big thing is your still alive and not hurt seriously to the point that you cant ever do anything, GOOD LUCK