any runners?

so. i’ve been running for 3 weeks now…
nearly every day 40 minutes +, 4 miles +, eating less, drinking a lot of water.

i just weighed myself today. +1 pound.

this is disheartening… although i feel and look thinner…

maybe it’s muscle? idk…

most likely muscle.

water will tack on weight… You really shouldn’t be concerned with how much you weigh… its more of a look and feel thing

just think your body is mostly water… you range like a 10%(idk 5% sounds better) difference from being dehydrated to hydrates

weighing 158 you could have lost a few pounds of fat and gained like 3 % more water weight… so like … 5 lbs with water

-4lb fats
+5lbs water


muscle really doesn’t grow that fast… soo… maybe a lb or two from muscle

my bet is that you gained lots of water weight

pretty much im in the same boat. i valet cars a few days a week, and running one block to the lot for each car, by the end of the day my knees are killing me.

I wanna be able to run to get back in shape, but its not in the cards, theres no way i will be able to run a few miles every day. and i dont have enough money to buy a bike. I would prolly be able to do an elliptical trainer, because thats also little to no impact, but i dont wanna have to up and go to the gym to exercise

EDIT: im about 6 ft. 200 lbs, not really much muscle

after realizing how out of shape i was yesterday running would be good.

good to hear…

i started doing elevation intervals… those make my legs burn!

those will put on some muscle in the legs… you’ll have legs like marion jones

How tall are you?

I was wondering that too.

If you’ve never run in the past, you are probably gaining muscle. As said above, weight isn’t the most important thing. Fitting into your size 5 jeans is.

Do you eat alot of foods high in sodium?

I’m about to. I can’t wait to go home for dinner. I make a mean beef stew. :pimp:

Ok so alot of you obviously run. I want to start running once my arm heals alittle more. Buuuut my running endurance is horrible at best. Do I just start running like 1/2 mile a day then step it up? or just push myself to the calapsing point? I use to be a thrower on track. we ran 1/2 mile a day for warmup. at first I was winded after 1/4 mile. after a few weeks I could pass the runners. So yeah, should I just start off at like 1/2 mile a night then work my way up?

Someone more versed in exercise science will have to step up, but if I were in your position (and I have been as I let myself slip when life gets busy) I would jog/walk slow but for a longer period of time than if I were to just crank out a half mile and then collapse. I’m thinking slowly increase speed/heartrate not distance.

Man you guys are motivating me to make more time for exercise. God knows the dogs would appreciate a good run too. Luckily they’re both small so my best run would be OK for them, not just a tease. :stuck_out_tongue:

i was like 145 when i graduated high school.

then i started driving everywhere, drinking more, stop skating.

id say im around 185 now.:gotme:

Five feet, seven inches.


Zerodaze I am sure will chime in here, but I will tell you what I would do.
If you want to trim down, find a speed that works for you and try to maintain it for as long as you can. Generally 20-30 minutes would be good. Figure out how far you are going when a 30 minute run starts to feel easy for you. Then you can start worrying about increasing speed and distance. Most runners agree that you shouldn’t increase your distance by large amounts or too fast because you can injure yourself.
Honestly, just run as fast and as far as you are comfortable with. Anything is better than nothing. You will learn your limits and then you can work off of them.

LOL thats the truth fatty

sodiumn will ruin you. i really try to stay away from it.

but i guess were even with the trade of alcohol i drink to the sodium you consume.