Anyone Know any Halfmoon judges!?!?!?

ell oh ell that is absurd.

Seriously I brought less to the drift event :rofl

Dont know what you have in your box BUT it looks like we roll the same BUT I use a shittier jack

My mother is a Saratoga County Court Clerk :slight_smile:


I have been in that office quite a few times whats your last name?

I was just going to say that…

Another thing to consider, depending on what lawyer you choose and how things work in that court. When I got a fist full of tickets this spring I hired a lawyer and he handled EVERYTHING. I didnt have to go to court and or even go to the lawyers office. We handled everything through the fax, phone, and mail. I mailed him a check when it was done and that was it. Im not sure how valuable your time is, but for me its a huge inconvenience to do all that running around, etc… Maybe its a little more expensive that way? Im not sure, but its only money and you’ll make more…

Her name is Darla McGrath, and she is the most awesome lady ever.

its more precautionary/incase someone else breaks down. all i need is jack/tire changing tools so i can lower my car more when i get there. i had to raise the back up a bit because the weight was sinking the car :lol

how much did you end up paying the court after all the lawyers fees and stuff?
I’m just trying to get all the info I can, I’m gonna mail the shit in today
I live in Guilderland and work in Latham, so either way its still about 30-35 mins. my court date is set for oct 15th at 7pm. butttt I’m sending it in so I won’t know for a little while when my actual court date is… But I deff do see where you’re coming from with having the lawyer do everything, it saves a lot of time

youre going to jail for this one. driving while repulsive is the charge

gee thanks :lol

It cost me a total of 870 bucks and I got a cheap lawyer. $535 in fines and surcharges, $200 lawyer, $135 towing/impound, plus two points. I hadn’t had a ticket in 6 or 7 years so I wasn’t worried about the points.

i do what i can.

See it wouldn’t cost me nearly as much, it’s one ticket, it’s a 4 point offense no points on my license as of right now, I’m thinking I might take Benny’s idea walk into court showing a little skin and see where it goes from there :rofl:rofl

i wish you luck.

take pictures :wink:

LOLLLLLLLLLLLL :rofl:rofl:rofl I guess we shall see, hopefully I get to speak on my own behalf, last time I went to court, I wasn’t able to really say anything to help my case… What this dude did wasn’t fair soo I hope things work out in my favor

pictures huh??? :lol

Better hope it’s not a female judge.

well i can’t be sure what you’re working with :poke

That would suck

haha I’m shocked you haven’t read some of the other posts…:ninja