APS Twin Turbo 350z vs Modded S4 Avant

So Dave let me borrow his 350z, and I’m heading into Boston last night at around 10pm. I get on it, maybe 50% throttle to get up to speed leaving the $1 toll just inside the city and I notice a set of headlight stay right on my drivers side. So I look over and what do I see but an Audi S4 avant (the old biturbo one) with Michigan plates. Well of course I’m a bit excited. We just cruise a long for a bit till we get a clean open straightaway where he pulls up next to me. We’re at about a 65-70 roll when he blips a few downshifts. I blip down to 4th, he taps the throttle making sure I’m ready when I realize… wait… I can goto 3rd. So down to 3rd I go, just as he hammers the throttle. The S4 pulls maybe a 1/4 to a 1/2 of a car on me and stops. We screaming along both cars echoing off the high concrete walls next to the road, sounds amazing. Alll the way through 3rd, and 4th, and at the top of 4th I BARELY had one car on the guy. That thing was SERIOUSLY fast. I wish I had it on video, but definitely a good run and a nice surprise for the night (opposed to the stock 350z that got a surprise from me earlier that night!) More on why I’m out of town with Dave’s Z later :wink:

sweet. i wish we knew what was done to the S4. Avants rule real hard.

i’d like to know why you are in his Z too? small rental fee? if so i’m in. :slight_smile:

I now have a nice pair of balls in a jar under the sink. Mike gets 'em back when I get my car back. Sewing 'em back on costs extra, you game?

I wish my friends would let me borrow their cars.

how much extra? i have plenty of domesticated women laying around that are good with a needle and thread when threatened with a smackdown. sc1chik is the first to come to mind. so yea, i’m down. when can i pick up? :lol:

you dick.

damm you guys must be good friends to let him take the car and race it around town like that. I wouldnt trust any of my buddys with my car by them selfs. I have to much money into it.

what kind of power is the z putting down ?

Are you sure the S4 was modded? Depending on what kind of #s that Z is putting down.


Depending on what kind of #s that Z is putting down.

S4s aren’t that fast

that’s the turbo Z that comes to mighty sometimes right? Looks killer, cool it scoots too!

at 8 psi, he puts down about 15whp less than mine Z. It’s his infos and I will let him post them :slight_smile: Though he can up the boost anytime he wants :tup:

damn, that would make my day if i got to unexpectidly witness this on the highway. one hot Z and one of my favorite cars right now, modded s4 avant.


What do you know about S4’s?

They All Run 11’s.

aimens ran 10’s

Go mike, have fun.


Don’t they trap around 98ish stock?

Thats quickish for a stock daily driver, but thats about it.

more than you, I’d guess.