Attn: NYSpeed cigar buffs...

there is a friday night fights section where they pair up 5 packs of 2 cigars. a lot of whats been mentioned here is in that section :tup:

i really enjoy the Torano 1916 Cameroon Robusto

Word. I haven’t had a Torano I didn’t like.

I’ll disagree with you on that, most NC don’t have a sick period, unless you consider the jet lag the get from shipping a sick period, and making a mild cigar more mellow is pointless. I had a lot of NC’s at one pont, 5-6 yers ago, probably about 500-600 untill I upped my intake to 2-3 cigars a day, and there is very little difference in an aged and not aged NC, huge difference in Cubans. But you also need to determine what you consider aging. a few months is not aging. A few years is. I have some 01 SLR A’s the are soming awesome right now and some 02 Black Prince’s that probably have reaced their peek right now, Just got some 05 Cuaba’s that are gognit o need at lest another year. also have so NC’s with a few years on them that are almsot void of any flavor becasue they were mild to begin with.

The sick period of a cigar is where it starts to ferment. Thats what tobacco does. It gives off an amonia odor for a few weeks as it begins to ferment especially if it is a fresh box. If you mean to tell me that tobacco in Nicaragua and Cuba are so different that one doesn’t ferment and the other does, then I think you are crazy.

Yeah it probably is pointless to make a mild cigar more mellow…but I wouldn’t smoke anything until it had some age on it.

I too have some '01 SLR Cubans that I have yet to smoke…thats funny.

fermetning is done long before the cigars are rolled, and i have yet to have a decent NC with a sick perior other than stuff i got in the winter that took more than a few days to ship and got dry.
Try those SLR’s they are smoking aweome rigt now. Mine aer froma Cab, only have 2-3 left.

I’ll let you knwo next time i buy a cab (have to make some room on the CC) and do a split. Cheapest way to do it.

I got a few the other day. Picked up an Onyx, Romeo y Julieta and a Trilogy (Native Camaroon). Got them from the rez. I am trying differant ones to see what I like. The Onyx are decent, but have a sort of strange tast to them…haven’t tried the other 2 yet.

Oh, if a cigar sais “exported from cuba” on it does that mean it is a real cuban? I tried a few Cuban Delights…they were realy good, but wasnt sure if they were really Cuban. The other’s (Romeo/Trilogy) are made in Dominican Republic.

a lot of stuff will Say Cuban on it, but they aren’t Cuban. about 90% of the “Cuban” cigar you se are fake, that number increases to %99.5 if your in Mexico, teh Carribean, or any other resort/vacation area. There is a large amount of fake Cubans being sold in Cuba as well. Unless it’s a pre-embargo, whcih will cost a few thousand dollars for a box you cannot import them to the US, $50,000 fine and 10 years in prison, doens’ matter if it’;s 1 cigar or 1000. The onyx is a maduro wapper as opposed to a coneticut shade, criollo, shade grown, sun grown, cameroon or one of the other different types of wrappers, which is why it may taste odd to you

Cuban Delights are certainly not Cuban.
The only way I know to get them is to know people who know good sources that provide legit product.
You will also see a lot of “Cuban Seed” tobacco or “pre-embargo” Cubans…usually it doesn’t mean a whole lot.

i’d reccomend fat jake’s as a place to go to get good cigars. it’s in hamburg on buffalo st. the owner (matt) is a great guy and extremely knowledgable. his prices are reasonable and he takes extremely good care of his regulars.

i’ve never tried a hookah, but i hear really good things about this mediterranean place on the corner of bidwell and elmwood.

I smoked the Romeo y Julieta today…it was really good! Definatly going to be buying more of them. Are Acid any good? Someone told me they are.

No me gusta Acid. But to each his own.

Try the RYJ Reverva Real, lot better than the regular RYJ

Some people love them(like me) and others just don’t like flavored cigars at all. I would definitely recommend at least trying one to see if you like it. If you have an interest in trying them then try something like a blondie or a nasty.

Acid brand are in fused with different herbs and stuff, not my cup of tea, but some people like the,. They are made by Drew Estates adn are a quality smoke, but flavored. I like tobacco flavored cigars. Tryone though, you might liek it, if yo do buy on e or any other flavored cigar don’t keep them with your regular cigars. Lars Teetans are another old brand simular to the Acid’s

Try some of the Romeo & Juliet line. They are much more mild, but still a good smoke.

So just an update on my cigar adventures, I have tried a Comacho and it was pretty damn tasty (thnx Rick) and also and AVO which was much lighter but equally as good.

If you like Mild Cigars… my fav is ACO Priamides. Made in the Dominican Republic. $9.00

im with shockwave179, im a acid fan i usualy go up to fat jakes in hamburg- the guy that runs it Matt is a realy cool guy… a little pricy but worth it or if ur near the rez DEFF go to big indian… biggest humidor around here i think. anything u want they have.

i’ll check them out, i actually tend to migrate towards stronger/fuller bodied smokes but the mild ones are good at times.