Awkward Moments

Upstairs from me is this really hot redhead (well meh face but I would motorboat her all the way to south africa) I’ve wanted to bang her for a while things have been going well and she has a Boyfriend, which has never stopped me before so. Things have been going really well with her until today :frowning: Where I’m just down right embarassed

So many of you who know me, know I don’t like to get dressed in the morning until the very last minute. So When I wake up I walk around either naked, or with boxers on. Which both tend to show my dick, I think I have an knack for buying boxers with shitty dick flaps so my dong flops out ALL the time.

Its really really warm out today, and I want to open the windows. I draw the blinds open up one window no problems, jump over the chair and stand on it to open the next window. I see the redhead as i look up from focusing on opening the window. I wave and she waves back then suddenly gets really embarassed and runs away. Odd she’s seen me half naked several times, maybe I had something on me or something. Until my worst horror… From jumping over the chair it must have flown out of the dickflap perfectly the boxer material around the dickflap was neatly tucked behind like as if it was destiny for her to see my yogurt slinger, so being embarassed too i jump off the chair and tuck my mushroom tattooer back into my boxers

and now I’m faced with the dilemma…

So I go up and knock on her door and say “You like what you saw there, You can have it if you want to”


Pretend like nothing happened


Pretend like nothing happened. If you go upstairs and ask her if she liked it, you’ll probably have a restraining order against you.

If she ran that’s not a good sign.

Bro its just a wang i promise she has seen one before. As long as you aren’t packing somehting to be ashamed of I would bet it actually gaind some points in “banging the neighbor” dept.

lmfao…thats hilarious.

id say pretend like nothing happened for now. if she comes back she’s yours forever


Pretend nothing happened for now… you go upstairs her BF may kill you…

She does have a nice pooper I would love to stuff my cave miner into

Meh, The BF is no threat, he’s little and lives far away. He comes up from time to time. Maybe she’ll tell him to stay home this weekend :slight_smile:

HAHAHA I say you go up there and say sorry i wasn’t aware my “insert nickname here” was out. Then ask her if she liked it…then tell her she has a nice pooper you want to stuff your cave miner into. This will work fo sho


LOL only you.

meh… let it slide. Im sure everything is fine

Ugh, I don’t get embarassed… its just the randomness of all the events

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA picsofredhead, Robhimself loves gigngers


o mann, lol


lol, i expect nothing less dan :rofl:

like everyone is saying go with nothing happened … but if it was me i would make a joke about it in a week or so talking to her

lol classic!!! ive learned my lesson start wearing shorts around the house

dont sweat it…next time you see her just wink at her and make a joke about it…be like jeez if i knew i was being watched i would have at least charged admission to the show…im sure shes seen a plethera of wangs in her day, and even if she hasnt at least she didnt point and laugh because then i’d say your fucked lol…give it a few days and just laugh about it…

lol dick flaps