Beckington > Old Skool Comaro

Isnt it, SSexyattitude?


You may be right but pissing them off is not going to help you at that present time or down the road. Cops have a tendancy to remember who pisses them off.

yeahh something like that

actualy, sometimes it works DAMN well … just a slight “now i know your making shit up” is all it takes

if they are trying to make shit up to get you to confess, then you can throw a little “um yea, your making stuff up now” back at them. if they are telling lies, they realy cant be mad about getting a little attitude for it, now can they ?

the attitude that DOESNT work is “shouldnt you be out catching real criminals, whats your badge number, this is harassment, im filing a report”

i mean come on, ive offered cops DONUTS before, WHILE i was pulled over for basicly … unregistered vehical and no license & no prof of ins


When they told me she said “we were racing”… i almost laughed.

and if she honestly, did tell them “we were racing”, she deserves to get hit.

god damn f-bod drivers.

god damn civics more like it…

when are we going to line up?


dude your v6 camaro got smooooked last year by scotts green cavy…STFU and take my Signature out of your myspace pictures u fucking tool

^ rofl :pwned: :lol:

what green cavy …im still not remembering this?

and we can line up when my car looses 2,000 pounds and weighs as lite as a civic…
and didnt you learn a lesson not to street race?

scott frietas stock cavy Z24 he raped you multiple times

take my signature out of your myspace pics

its not even in there anymore…, and i know him but i never raced him…?

I would be a little more polite to officers than that…but you got off, so good deal…

thank your for taking it off :slight_smile:

Oh so now cars that weigh the same can race.

Your 200 hp > my 103 whp

you may weight twice as much, but i have half as much hp.


um thats why theres an intercooler on your car…??? 103…ha

ur never gonna get a run at my car …its not worth it

what about your friends with there v6 maro’s?

maybe the one with the spray on it?

i belive his name on here beck is SLPV6Camaro or some thing like that

I figured it was okay…seeing as how it was about me getting pulled over.


yea, we leave street names out so that law enforcement cant track down people who were speeding

considering beck got pulled over, i think its pretty fucking fair to say that law enforcement already fucking knows


i feel like if it was me talking like that, i woulda got smacked with book of tickets. nice getting out of that beck

who is this guy?