Beckington > Old Skool Comaro

some knob from the barf…

last i checked 75mph is higher than any posted speed limit in NYS. I think that any dumbass could put 2 and 2 together and gather that you were racing. Since you both were traveling at a speed greater than the limit near each other.

Dont give a cop attitude like hes being a dick when all he is doin is his job. It seemed as tho he was being pretty fair, id gladly take a fix it ticket over a 75 in a 55… let alone a misdmeanor “street racing” ticket.

if i was racing i would have been going a lot more than 75.

60mph rolls ftw.

and just cause two cars are going over the speed limit next to each other doesn’t mean they are racing…

does that mean i was in a 6 way race, with two dykes, 3 businessmen, and a soccer mom today during rush hour on the 90?

I told him to write me for 75, and give me the exhaust ticket. I admitted to doing that…but i wasn’t racing.

Fuck that most cops are useless aside from state cops who actaully have physical requirements. It’s got to be like 85% of cops are out of shape. All it takes is for someone to get 60 credit hours and take a civil service exam to be a police officer. The training academy isn’t nothing challenging at all. Most police departments only require there officers to qualigy with there weapon once a year. I hate 85% of cops and it’s good people give them attitude I have and always will be a dick to a cop. Unless you can tell that the guy cares about his job and really puts his all into it. But a cop who I know I’d easily run circles around and probly beable to beat him in a fight even when he has a billy club and a gun. Thats the type of cop who deserves no respect and should be given a hard time for wasting everyones tax money.

Ohh and good story by the way