Best lowball you have ever got on SON?

u shouldn’t judge u’ll never have more than me :wink: ever… juss ask a few who have seen my house:)

Then why didnt you offer him money for his parts? And is it really your house?

The best is the schmuks that lowball u saying they can get the part ur selling for half ur listed price expecting ur gunna be like “oh shit!, really? Ok ill match ur imaginary buddy’s price”… Or the infamous “brown kid” offers, where they lowball u and insist it be delivered free of charge. “I offer 500 for part u have listed for 1000 delived to toronto” when u live in niagra falls lol. Wow I hate lowballers


that so sounds like dj infiniti therr lmaooo jks

haha classic

guy on gtrc names jonny offered me 500 for my pfc with commander

i said now (next closest one for sale on gtr are two for 750)

he asked again a second time, so i reeemed him out and then he went on about how they are 899.99 brand new and that they should be 500 because they are not worht 600-700 blah blah blah

im no lowballer, im 16 and have better cars, and parts than most of you. Not only was that stuff bought at what most people were asking, but was earned with money i earned working.Lastly kengi you know my car is gonna be better than yours:P. Im not trying to big up myself, but its true.

well not most of you, but a fair amount:D

i dunno tec

i know audi

do i pass?

This thread is sad. Mostly because of e-thuggery by the junior members though.
I used to have this silly notion about a camaraderie between car enthusiasts. A sort of understanding that we’re all in this together due to a shared passion so to speak. Lowballs never really bothered me, because I know that a lot of people are broke due to this hobby of ours, and I understand. Obviously if it was lower than what I’m willing to accept, I would just refuse. It’s really simple.

The thing that really gets to me, is fraud. When you, hatch a plan to take advantage of, and defraud your fellow car enthusiast. There’s an important difference between things going wrong, and a person intentionally masking faults, and lying to the buyer just to unload something and make some quick $.
I think we all know who I’m talking about. A lot of people pm’d me when it happened, asking for his address, and offering to teach him a lesson.
I didn’t want to go down that path, because that’s not how I do things, but it did make me realize one thing. It doesn’t pay to be dishonest in the long run. You can keep scamming nice people for a long time, but one day, you’ll rip off a gang banger, and you’ll end up in the hospital or dead. Just because I wasn’t willing to go and re-arrange his internal organs, doesn’t mean the next person won’t be up to the task.
Either way, I strayed off topic, but the message I was trying to deliver is an important one. Karma is a bitch, and it catches up to everyone. I’m sure Jay is enjoying his ill gotten gains now, but one day his ways will put him either at the end of a lawsuit, in jail, in a hospital, or maybe even 6 feet deep. There’s enough people on his ass already.
Ahh, will you look at that, I said I wasn’t gonna mention any names and I did :smiley:

PS. Jay Peterson is a thieving piece of shit.

And his SN on this board is spoolin

Does anyone else find this hilarious?

his and the bank…

I always love that… referring to a financed item as your own.

Ya dude, did you decorate it with furniture you found for free on the side of the road in peoples trash ya?

Congratulations, you have a better car than most people on a board filled with 16 year olds and rotted out 2000 dollar cars.

Did you buy a car with no rust holes for 4000 dollars?

i for one am curious to know the nature of these ‘better’ cars and ‘better’ parts that dj-infinit is in posession of

please, dj-infinit, elaborate. dont be shy.

^it might stop if you clean up this thread and sticky it where everyone can just quote PM’s and bitch…

i bet he gots mo money then the sasha…

hey kid , u say u got better shit and a nicer house than most of us here? umm maybe you should take a look around , ive propably spent more in cash on cars, hookers,beer and cheap drugs in the last 5 years than you mommy and daddy spent on “your” house and cars , stop for a second and think before you talk, a g-note says my ATV is woth more than ur car and your annual income combined

you should really see and learn about some people on this site before you make ignorant comments like that one

(not directed at sasha, my bad directed at the kid with the awsome house)

didnt u try to trade bing a broken DVD deck for parts… after you posted in tech that it was broken? better parts than most ? common, your telling me that you mom and dadd didnt help u one single bit? mine did, and i bet alot of people here will admit that , it doesnt make you and less or more of a man by reciving help from people, but acting like your some kind of self made millionare ballerachi wit diamonds in his mouth aint helping your cause, and you are tring to biggup yourself because you just said that u have better cars and parts than most of us…

oooooooooookay hector… moving along now.

Kijijji is WAYYYY worse than car forums.

i had a guy, friend of a SON dude, agree to buy my laptop for $X… he showed up and said he was $50… i was sooo fucking pissed… holy wow… like $5 - $10 is one thing… but $50… and he didnt drive, his buddy did… god… OMG… anyways.

Solarian is pretty spot on here… and he’s using the enter key more now. both good things.

I get SERIOUSLY lowballed on Kijiji all the time for stuff, it’s hilarious. Because people DONT know you they will send you e-mails making fun of your items rather than even making an offer… seriously… who makes up fake e-mail addresses just to do that? it’s ludicrous.

on SON and other regional car forums there is a heightened, though still low, sense of accountability for your comments.

I’ve found that on SON and other forums that i do not get too badly lowballed.

and if people lowball… simply say no thanks…

lowballing is WAY less bad than scamming people… fuck i hate that shit…

that is the ONLY way you get perma-banned on SON is for intentionally scamming people.

Bob and Ian are welcome to come here anytime they like. Hating admin, me, anyone… not a serious crime. differences of opinion, threatening to fight… it’s all funny.

but intentionally deceiving people in the community is a fucking disgrace.

LMAO Hector that was quite possibly the funniest thing i have ever read on a thread. Your 100% right to. Buddy thinks he is like some rich kid. Pretty sure if you have to talk about being rich your obviously not. A lot of ppl dont classify themselves rich. Buddy thinks hes rich im pretty sure he thinks if he tells enough ppl that it will come true.

Ignorant comments saying u have a better car and parts then most ppl on here, im pretty sure u kno abosolutely nothing about cars or the parts inside them.