Beware: M&M U-Pull-It Return Policy

I went to M&M for some parts and when I called that morning the guy on the phone said…yup we have that car, that yr that model. I asked are you for sure, guy said yes. I get there, pay the $2 and begin searching for the car. Spent about 1hr and found nothing. I went back to the trailor to ask about it and the person there said…yea that car is somewhere, just keep looking. They pointed me in a direction and I continued. Maybe another 45min went by and still nothing. I go back to the trailor to ask again if they had the car. A different person looks in their book, and says look for these #'s on the windshield. Another 45min go by until I see the car im looking for crushed by their machines in the middle of a stack. I go back to the trailor to tell them and he says…oh, well this list isnt always up to date. I ask for my $2 dollars back since they cant give me my time back and the guy says…nah, we dont guarantee anything.

I call back later on the phone to see how honest they are and ask…you guys have any honda s2000’s? I hear him flipping through papers and he says, oh yea we got a few of those. I start laughing out loud and just hang up.

I understand its a junkyard but come one people, lets be organized

Believe it or not.

I highly doubt that the overhead needed for good customer service and organization is within their budget while still turning a profit. Lets face it, the owners are likely not swimming in cash from running a shitty junk yard. If you want customer service, go to a new parts store. If you have the time to search, and you’re cheap, go to a you-pull-it yard.

Customer service is a really broad term I used. I’m not expecting a smiling face and the guy to remember everyone’s first name, I was just saying that a shitty return policy sucks no matter if it’s a junkyard or Neiman Marcus.

---------- Post added at 11:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ----------

Wow that’s definitely a shitty way to run a business. x2 for Rockauto.

I also agree that it probably isn’t worth having to spend your free time at a junkyard while still having the risk (and for M&M it’s high) of not finding what you need.

---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 AM ----------

Oh yeah, and to everyone who asked, my buddy doesn’t remember what the receipt said on it and if it had anything regarding the return policy.

Yeah, he should have asked, but 14 days instead of 30 is shitty nonetheless.

You’d be surprised. Have you seen the price of scrap over the past couple of years? Scrap metal is the cake, selling parts is just icing.

You are right. On the 2 occasions I have had to get gauge clusters from M&M They didnt work. Or rather one was a simple drop in job while the other worked with the exception of the gas gauge (got to love Ford’s half years and “special” SVT sensors). Guess what I did? I made it work! But only because I did some homework and figured out how to. I get that “Fade To BLack” or whatever was just trying to inform us of a “bad life altering incident” that his friend suffered through. But he really was lucky to 1) Even get a warranty for a part from a junk yard, and 2) Get a warranty/ allowed to return an ELECTRICAL component. Most retail auto parts stores would never allow you to return an item like that once installed. There was a member on here that had posted a complaint about a clutch company. I guess they screwed up a part, and refused to expedite a replacement.Now he had a legitimate complaint IMHO. In that situation the guys shops reputation could have been put into question, or in the worse case scenario his income could have been impacted negatively. But FTB’s friend got a bad cluster and is crying cause the “bad man” wouldnt give him his money back, and the limit on his “store credit” ran out? Im sorry I? have no sympathy for that.
Another member on here said something about having thrown a Turbo through a windshield. If I saw that turbo and put it on my car without inspecting it, and the dam thing ended up shattering the compressor wheel and throwing metal shavings/fragments into my engine causing it to die. Would that then be M&M’s fault too, or mine for being a dipshit and not inspecting the part i installed on my car?

FTB whos to say that the cluster didnt work just fine until your friend pulled it out? Maybe your friend didnt know what he was doing. Maybe the thing was hanging half way out of the dash in a car with a broken windshield, and was being rained on for the last 6 months. Maybe he installed it on a vehicle that had other issues aside from the cluster.Bottom line is that he should have done his homework. Keep in mind that there are plenty of variables that can make a gauge cluster either work, or not work. But like I said above. Your friend was lucky he was allowed to return the cluster, and get “store credit”. He should have just paid a little more attention to M&M’s policy and a little more attention to details as far as the vehicle he was pulling the part from was concerned. Not everything needs to be written with 6" letters for crying out loud and not everything is the “merchants” fault. Sometimes it helps to ask a question.

To address the people that said “Well if you go to Walmart and buy something that doesnt work then wouldnt you take it back?”

YES, yes I would take it back. Thats because walmart is a store. When you buy things…say a TV from walmart, you expect it to work. So if my walmart TV didnt work, I would take it back.

Now If I went to “Tiny Tim’s TV graveyard and vacuum tube emporium”, which by the way allows you to pull your own TV parts, and bought a LCD screen (just the screen) and it didnt work, then ya id be disappointed, and ask for an exchange. If the guy at Tiny Tims happens to be nice enough to give me “store credit” on a salvaged item, then i would make sure to cash in on it, and find out what their policy is. But then again thats just me. I also wouldnt go crying a river about it. Like I said. The kid just needs to put his big girl panties on and stop crying.

I don’t know, I’m not saying they live in a trailer in the back of the lot, but I doubt that it’s highly profitable.

I “profit” about $300 a week just taking metal to the scrap yard.

Dude, I apologize but I don’t have the drive to read and respond to all that. I honestly don’t give a shit anymore.

not to get off topic but has anyone seen any 240’s in the jyard lately?

this makes me think of one of the episodes of breaking bad, where the junkyard owner crushes Walt & Jesse’s vehicle for ten grand so it isn’t taken in by the police and used as evidence. I’m sure plenty of shady shit happens in which they could cover things up and make serious bank. Maybe not this junkyard but somewhere, after the shits crushed who’s really gonna look into something.


No need to apologize bro. If anything i apologize forbletting that story bug me.

If you do them why don’t you buy my cap… Lol

I can understand his bitch. The yard is selling a warranty to put extra cash in the register. Not to be helpful to the customer. It sounds like this place is happy to take your extra cash but when it’s time to honor it, they will look to douche out of it.

Who really gives a shit half, half of the shit in the yard is garbage. Why the fuck would they put burned cars in the yard how is that presentable or even worth anyone’s time? Oh look they have the car I’m looking for, well isn’t that wonderful it’s fucking burned to a crisp well that’s bullshit. Yes you can find shit from their that is decent sometimes but comeon fadetoblacks story is legit. If a business honners something then they need to hold to what they promise not fucking change policy’s. If that story bugs you then just remember the next time you get fucked over. That is all.


I swear auto correct is ruining my life!

Turn it off and spel like a man goddamnit!


Last thing I’ll probably say. Fuck them for putting burnt cars in the lot. I couldn’t believe it the first time I saw one. And they charge a cover to get in? Shitty.

Thans Evan for reminding me about the fried ones they have there.

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