Bike Crew: Another 20 something rider getting locked up


I’m really loving and feeding off of this angry mob thing we have going on right now!


Seems like a pretty steep price to pay to try and impress a bunch of guys.

Dear JockD,
I hope that after you are smashed to pieces by traffic your family tries to sue whomever ran you over. I further hope that the defense takes this thread that you are posting in and enters it in as evidence at the court hearing. Now if you will for a minute imagine the sweet tears of your mother as they read your cocky arrogant don’t give a fuck attitude to the court. Following the reading of statements like

Just for the record, i guess i am a squid… i was doing wheelies in PA without a helmet, i do wheelies in traffic, I do wheelies without proper gear, i was doing wheelies with a broken foot and a walking cast, i never cover my rear break when i do wheelies cause im confident with an engine break, i do wheelies with passengers, and after 6 years of riding, ive yet to crash or cause an accident cause i was doing a wheelie… “4 wheels move my body, 2 wheels free mind, 1 wheel frees my soul” - “live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse”

I hope that they present a picture of you splattered on the road like a fucking mangled raccoon and dismiss the case.

Grow up, the rest of us do not need to be worried about swerving out of the way of you as you slide on the pavement to your eventual death. You run the risk of killing innocent people that dont agree with you fast and loose policy.


Meh as far as I’m concerned he’s welcome to ride like an arrogant knob all he wants. You usually don’t accidentally anyone but yourself when you’re riding like an ass on a bike. You get splattered by a car when you’re minding your own business and someone who isn’t paying enough attention doesn’t register the humanoid on a bike when they’re looking for cars. Granted by the way he talks I can just about guarantee he’s minimized the mandatory safety equipment that’s supposed to help with that, replaced turn signals with single LED’s and whatnot, but still.

The only part of his attitude that is actually quite shitty is how unconcerned he is for his passengers’ well being. Hopefully his passengers that he wheelies with at least know that he’s going to do that stuff with them on so they get the chance to say yes or no.

---------- Post added at 02:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----------

OK who’s next up to continue the safety sermon? Yambag, go!

I tend to agree, but I also feel that I pay really good attention when driving and if he went down in front of me at 65 mph, I would swerve to avoid him. If I was in the BMW all would be OK, but if I was out being the typical American sucking down gas in my SUV I would swerve and run the risk of roll over with my family in the car. Or I may lock up the brakes and get hit by an even bigger SUV from behind. He may go quietly and by himself, but the odds of him injuring or taking out someone with him are not slim to none.

To add to this; I’m just thinking the gust of wind with him doing a wheelie down the opposite side of the road, crosses over then impacts the front of your said car/SUV… I’m sure your kid would love to see a motorcyclist come through the windshield at them.

“we didn’t have any portraits to display for this closed casket ceremony unfortunately… but we did blow up this photo from facebook, displaying his bro’s nuts in his mouth. lets pray”

I just want to know two things.

  1. Are you the same Jeff Dorenzo who was first in line at the new Joes Crab Shack?

And 2.
How was the crab?

PS… Yes, I was setting up a google news alert so I can be the first to bump this when he goes SPLAT.

lol @ yut ughhhhhhhhhh.

I need to watch those vids again.



lol @ jays.

Wasn’t this the same kid who wiped out coming to the memorial ride because he didn’t see the median in Sheridan or am I thinking of someone else?

According to Freek, yes

go back like 200 posts and you will find yes.^

He obviously wanted to be first in line because after he got out of jail and had no money left he needs to rely on the free crab to feed himself. Good planning on his part though, maybe he isn’t dumb after all

Priceless. :slight_smile:

lol can we add a poll for when Jay is going to bump this thread? If he’s stunting with a broken foot he got from janning a curb on a memorial cruise for another guy that died riding like an asshole I’d bet it will be sometime this summer.

i enjoyed reading this thread

I asked because I didn’t wanna go back through all the posts and pages :slight_smile:

I see this kid at Club W a lot esp Wednesdays. He kind was a tool when I talked to him. If he rode like an ass but was a cool kid, I could tolerate him but he annoyed me.
