BINGS '09 Wrap-up / Discussion Thread

Bra ganzaaaaa,( none of this is aimed at you personally) - i think what is being said is that right now it is on a volunteer basis your not being forced to eat the restaurant at all, but people are benefiting by being able to park in the lot.

  • Look at other events example Srape by the lake you have to pay $10 per person to get in, then pay for food your, and then finding you own parking, to me $20 dollars to be able to park in the lot and eat dinner would be one hell of a deal, but thats just me.

I’ve said on numerous occasions that I’ll pay any reasonable amount ($20) just for a prime parking spot, where I can watch my car and ensure no asshat dings my doors. I had to pay $150 to get the dings I had before pulled, so it’s a worth while investment for me. Sadly, every year registration is only open to S chassis owners, so I stay home. I’m not gonna drive out to Niagara to stick my car in the back or adjacent lot and have god knows what happen to it.

i didnt go to this years meet but i went to last years. imo the dinner was way to late since i arived around 1:00 and only at breakfast before i left. maybe push the meal a little earlier so ppl dont go and grab pizza instead

Not to brag or anything, but I went to Mr. Sub around 3 because I hadn’t eaten all day…got a 12" and STILL came to the buffet to show support. :smiley:

Bing, make it $50, and throw some things in with it.

  • SON t-shirt + sticker
  • parking
  • buffet
  • promise a nice HD video of the meet, the cruise, and the judging (I’m sure you could find someone to put it together)
  • “free” drinks (grab some cases of pop/water, etc.)

I’m sure I can think of a hundred other things to include at $50, or you could go higher and add more, or lower and remove some things. As long as it’s stuff of value, people will pay. And the cheap bastards who don’t pay, can eat a dick. If you park @ Timmies, your car gets keyed. Simple as that.

BIng I had a great time… I see no problem in the 20 dollar fee but that should include dinner… I drove up from Kingston the night before… had a blast with the S1DC guys then woke up… cleaned my car and hit the meet… ate the buffet which BTW guys is amazing and you all should eat there…

I liked the roll up idea for the judging for the show N shine… tho I was nervous about my car, tho I agree with someone saying at least anounce who came in second or give them something sticker is always nice ( 5hp )

the cruise coulda went better but that partially my fault… I shoulda know better and follwed where I knew the cruise went instead of folowing those in front of me

all in all guys a great meet had fun wasnt 42 degrees like last yr which was awesome and jesse got drenched soo good times had by all except the guy with the soggy S14… lol

Ok, This was my first time at the meet, I heard lots of good things about it, nice cars, funny people, good food. So this year the meet was scheduled pretty quickly and I didn’ get to ask questions like, how much is dinner? will there be dinner? drinks? paying for parking? But I went anyways, I apologize for not eating at the buffet, as I was unsure of the price, and if you took debit. I don’t know why I didnt ask. But I agree with the $20 pre pay thing. I would pay that. If I had known the price of the buffet this time, I would have surely eaten.

We all appreciate the time you put into the event. It was alot of fun, and would be sad to see it go. Ill be more respectful next time and pay for the meal.

Thanks again bing,

bra ganzaa you will not be banned dude… banning is a joke… only crooks and sheisters get banned from SON…

good feedback from you guys… we’ll push the dinner up a bit next year or maybe make it a late lunch.

iono about the $20 fee but we can work on something for sure…

i definitely like the drive-thru judging… maybe we’ll add a skyline and misc. class for the Antonio’s of the world… pluys we had like 8 R32’s anyways…

“Roll up” for judging would be awesome for individual pics of the cars competing.

I am sorry bing, I ate at A&W instead of the Cozy. I wasnt aware that it was an issue. next meet I will be eating there for sure.

yea… I think other cars should have a catagory… just a "others… and wheels fitment should be open to all cars there yes I said wheels thts 4 wheels on a car all fiting nice together… just saying thats all hahahaha

the only thing i have to say is have it on a day im available next year.

Im not reading the entire thread cause there is more i need to go thru, but would that 20 or so get u a membership and a window sticker… something to go home feeling good you spend 20$… some ppl are coming from far away… i dunno just throwing it out there

I didnt know your parents didnt own the restaurant, that changes alot i guess… understandable i guess for a hard head like me… i dont agree with alot a ppl on this board and i like debates, along with other things… yada yada yada… do what is needed i guess to get a LITTLE change for the restaurant i guess

i definitely like the drive-thru judging… maybe we’ll add a skyline and misc. class for the Antonio’s of the world… pluys we had like 8 R32’s anyways…

then my soon to be r33 gtr will be able to throw down next year


had no idea about the eating situation as alot of ppl stated, didnt know it was a issue and was a bit late, the guys i cruised down with met up at 930am, i honestly thought we would be having lunch at the restarunt, but im fat and fat guys dont like being hungry… lol

next year im down forsure i love chinese food

cruise was fun, i was in the group that got, um side tracked but we ended up making it in the end so it was all good

^ I drove 7 hours to be there! not to get a sticker or a membership just simply to be around other 240 fanatics.

I can’t believe ppl went to the other fast food places to eat…I def ate at the restaurant when I went in 07 and it was tasty as fuck.

$20 for the event - that will pay for bingzors organizational skills, parking, food and a plain white T that says Bings Meet 2010.

u the Silvia from quebec, the black one with the HUD?


i call first dibs on a ride