BINGS '09 Wrap-up / Discussion Thread

my parents do not own the restaurant… they just come on the day of the meet to help out…

i think alot of people didn’t know that… does this change anyone’s impression now?

wait i second is this meet about makeing money or, the meet and cruise, and meeting other 240 guys.
edit: hell i would’ve eaten there if i didn’t come so late, but now if were all gonna be forced to pay instead of doing on our own will then, that’s messed. there weren’t even that many ppl edit: this was my first meet what do i know?

Dosn’t change my impression one bit. Running a business with my father. So I understand.

Business is business.


Say what?

Should I just leave?

no that wasnt about you… bra gannzaa

^ its not about making money its about giving back to people and companies who support us and our culture!

i swear man… i feel so old sometimes.

i go to conferences and see gen X’ers and boomers talk about how to appeal to and retain us Gen Y’ers.

it seems we’re reknown for our sense of entitlement and i can’t help but agree.

we should all just be given great jobs, fast cars, beautiful women… all businesses and people should cater to our every whim with no regard for their own long term sustainability… why should anyone turn a profit on us? why should we feel obligated to support those that support us?

it all just doesnt make sense does it?

^^^^ lmao yes i know that actually, i was just saying if we are going to be presuaded or forced into doing so then doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of giving back. giving back is suppose to be volantary. i down for that.

^don’t let a few bad apples bum you out or speak for a generation for that matter… we are still on planet earth and there will always be cheap fucks, lazy bastards, and retards slower then grandma on a highway…

its clear that some sort of payment is necessary. A few good ideas were thrown out there like $2 to enter the lot and others… give them a shot and see what happens. Also you can put cold drinks beside registration and charge $1 a bottle. Easy few bucks made there. I saw tons of people running to tims just to grab a drink

I was one of the few that got lost, if i get my hands on the map of the route, il have no problem printing off a maps for every other car because thats probably all thats necessary. Shit happens and we get separated and sometimes the lead car has no clue where they are going. It will take me ohh id say 5 min of my life to print maps at work. So it no biggy, just need to remember for next year

buddy, do you understand what you’ve been reading in this thread so far?

it’s like paying rent to your landlord…but instead only for one day. if you can’t pay your landlord’s rent, your landlord will eventually kick you out because someone else will be able to afford it.

now replace ‘you’ with ‘son240’, ‘your landlord’ with ‘the restaurant’, and ‘someone else’ with ‘the restaurant’s customers’.

there’s no profiting here in terms of organizing and running the meet.

by the way, thanks bing for holding the meet again…first time coming, was pretty busy so i ended up arriving near the end. definitely don’t see meets like this too often. pre-reg for food and minimum # of pre-reg before meet happens sounds like a good plan for next time…but that means planning would have to start much earlier obviously.

one idea for the cruise and people getting lost is maybe if someone is willing to volunteer and make a distinctive turn sign…maybe someone can drive the route a bit earlier than the cruise and stake one here and there wherever there’s a turn…not sure how many signs this adds up to but it could be an alternative to making maps and giving them to everyone…

someone at the end of the cruise can then just follow at the end and quickly collect them all, throw them in the back of a pickup or something and you can give these away at the no frills meet if you want afterwards for ‘something to take home’

^ x2

I dont see $20 being to much to ask for. Look at it in the bigger picture. we as a group pour thousands of dollars into 20 yr old cars. which is hardly cheap by anymeans.

Thats what i dont understand about some users on this site. They partake in one of the most expensive hobbies yet they cheap out and dont see why they should pay $15 for a buffet (or to support the event).

Bing, next year just charge everyone (or car) $20 that would cover your costs and you will have nothing to worry about. And if sonlings have a problem paying up … they should GTFO and find a hobby they can afford…

just how i see things

Bing, the meet kicks ass, you can’t be expected to sustain it without being able to break even. Charge an entrance fee. We went back and forth on this for the BlownEuros meet over the past 4 years and finally charged this year. We honestly did not know if the meet would continue after this past year because we were not sure if it would die or not due to being on the same day as Show’N’GO and costing money. We had our largest turnout ever with over 1000 cars with a $5 entrance fee. Covered our costs and allowed us to make a nice donation to the Red Cross.

Yeah i really want it to be as inclusive as possible though…

we have a whole year to figure it out i suppose. I’ll try and do it earlier next year too.\

If there was any profit to be made of the event then maybe i wouldn’t have to beg for volunteers… Interesting how DMCC is offering $50 a day now for helpers… i suppose guys like bra ganzaaaa just sort of thought they were entitled to DMCC events and that other people should work for free to make the event happen for them.

87s15lt1: I apologize, I mis-read your post and thought it said $20 was UN-reasonable.

I can guarantee you will see a bunch of 240s parked in the tim hortons; just to save that 2$ entrance fee haha

^^ Auto Ban :wink:

^^^ WTF don’t put words into my mouth. I am NOT trying to get ANYTHING for free UNDERSTAND that. YOU WERE the one making BIG DEAL and WHINING about people not paying. i ACTUALLY AGREED. ALL I AM TRYING SAY TO IT SHOULD BE ON A VOLINTEER BASIS. Is that wrong or something.

LOL i guess your gonna BAN me now eh! maybe i should just agree with everything you say or do.