BMW 328xi Coupe or Sedan?

I would say sedan for the ease of passengers and maybe cheaper insurance.

Don, it’s a done deal already, but your thoughts are appreciated. Ends up I’ll be saving almost $400 / year with just the BMW vs. having both the RSX and Wrangler.

actually my brother in law has owned an e90 325xi and its actually great in the snow.

For all the haters that say rwd is the same, I would like to but up a bmw awd car against the same car without awd on the same tyres. I live in the southtowns, none of that northtown 5 inches of snow and school is canceled shit.

The awd def. helps, is it quattro, NO, but its def better than rwd


Didn’t realize this was an older thread.

4 door is SUPER convenient. Putting anything in the back seat of a 2 door is a pain in the fucking ass. 4 doors kick ass

lol if door size is a conderation then your fat ass needs to lose some weight.

You never did say if you got a coupe or sedan?

True, I could lose a few (hundred) pounds.

I got the sedan. The coupe would have pretty much gone against the idea of getting a “grown-up” car.

Considering I’ve spent years driving a RWD 330i in deep snow and have a significant amount of time in the AWD varient and have a fairly good understanding of what fails on both, I would say yes, it is.

I don’t doubt your experience, but perhaps some pros / cons would be helpful. It’s really too late. I got the xi. Perhaps your opinion could have saved me $2k. :gotme:

^ thats what BMWs awesome warranty is for

I think he means “fails” proverbially, like “pwnd.” Or does the xi actually shit the bed often?

Coupe’s are sexier. Sedan more practical. I rock the 4-door, would only drive a coupe as a second car.

Feel free to follow the progress of my car as the ship makes its way around Europe:

I still laugh at the AWD haters.
For anyone still looking - AWD is a luxury, if you want it and can afford it, buy it.
I am sure if you look hard enough you will still find people that think a/c is a waste of money.:biglaugh:

Side note: I am sick of all you retards that pull out in front of me with your inferior 2wd in the snow. Get the fuck out of my way. I love flying by 2wd BMWs in the snow.:smiley:

Mike you have quattro, hardly BMW AWD.

I am going to have to drive one of these things.
How can it be that bad?

^ its really not that bad, its no quattro but its much better then 2wd.

no its not at all, its complete shit compared to 2WD BMW’s

in the snow a 4wd bmw is much better than a 2wd bmw, I guess I should have put in the snow.

I have always owned 2 door cars and frequently find myself saying “Self, a lot of stuff would be considerably easier and more convenient if I owned a car with 4 fucking doors!”