Boosted Tiburon... IN NEED OF HELP PLEASE...

sell that POS and get a real car

problem solved


see thats the thing i did purchase a larger MAF sensor and i am hoping that will solve my problem. i never had a chance to install it because i deployed with the military before i got it. but thank you for constructive critism. that would be prety sweet if all it was was the MAF sensor. i heard about the Mustang one working like a champ, but i ordered one straight from Hyundai.

anyone heard of Megasquirt because that is what i am going with and the problem solved… and POS it is not my good man

The fact that you can’t determine if it’s lean or rich means the problem isn’t solved.

oh yeah i forgot to mention, it is extremely leaning out, my bad

Define lean? Is it just at WOT? Why not try and add some fuel at WOT to see if it’s a tune issue and not a supply issue?

It’s hard to diagnose without data.

my car shows lean at WOT but not so much at idle, but it stills runs really rough 24/7.and i know for a fact that the guys that were tuning added as much fuel as they could with the Neo and it didn’t make a lick of a difference. i am almost certain it is an ECU issue more then anything. i say that because all the guys i talk to with tibs have always did something different with there ECU, not just through a piggy-back on them.

I told you when you get home if your coming down with it we should scoot on over to synapse they will have all the answers for ya…
Post pics when you get a chance mike

megasquirt aint gonna help ya inspection wise kid,and if ya cant master the stock pcm dont attempt megasquirt or any other runnin system on your own

i dont plan on doing it by myself. i am getting it professional installed and professional tuned… does that sounds better?

its confusing ,ill give it that does it work yes ! but if ya in ny and its reg in ny ya need to pass state inspection and it wont wit that sytem on it

i got mad pictures to put up i just got to get them on the computer. and when i get to New York i will head over to you guys and see what they say, later

Not at all. But, good luck!

how come it doesn’t, give me some of your professional advice then please

I think any car that requires tuning also requires the owner to be able to 1) Tune the car 2) Understand the basics of tuning 3) Be able to datalog.

The idea of “I am going to get it tuned and never have to worry about it idea” is complete bullshit. Especially anything AFC related. On another note, doesn’t the megasquit replace the ECU? Inspection is going to be a problem.

i agree also ,you will never get threw a ny inspection wit it either

Legally, yes. :slight_smile:

very good point ,

Megasquirt can be tapped into the stock ecu and used as a tuning device or you can build a harness and run the car completely off of it


how do you know this? sounds like you don’t have a wideband and you don’t have a way to get a datalog.

what shows lean? thought you didn’t have a wideband… afr at idle isn’t much help.