Bronx illegal dirt bike riders stopped by police killing one an injuring another.

the guy that walked into my store was a career con man that purposely causes harm and sufferage to others to better himself… Yes, if i could have killed him, I probably would have, he DESERVES to die.

Some kids whos INTENTIONS are not to run someone over or hurt anyone rather pass there time in a foolish way deserve to have the law thrown at them, NOT death…

lol, you are in the military right? Basic training was prolly the most intense 12 weeks of your entire life working on the books 24 hours a day and all you made that entire time was the same $3k that was stolen from me… I wouldnt even want to see you do anything if someone robbed you (you probably wouldnt anyway, call the police and cry about it to them while they shrug it off and tell you your fucked) as it would make it 10 times more comical to watch 3k get taken from you and you not do a damn thing about it lol…