Bronx illegal dirt bike riders stopped by police killing one an injuring another.

that comparison is too apples to oranges. Ones taking advantage of someone, other is putting themselves and others at physical harm and showing blatant disregard for the laws. He wasnt just doin willies because he had nothing todo, they do it over and over every chance they get, with consistent disregard for the law and safety. Section boys get board and do willes too, 9-10 times they are in a parking lot with full gear as NOT to cause trouble. :slight_smile: Calculated risks VS not giving a fuck.

Someone going 75mph in a 55 full gear and pulls over when lights come on VS someone going 100mph in a 55 no gear, flips the cop off and boots it when the lights come on… Which one should be punished more? Thats apples to apples. Both people breaking a speed law, first guy admits it and tucks tail accepting the mistake. Other dude says fuck you to the law and tries to “win” under his own terms. Now which one is MORE of a scumbag and deserves to be punished MORE morally. :number1

Very good point on the second part though. If it was just doing my job, whys it called an accident? If it were me, my badge and my chief wanted me to call it an accident to cover shit up… I would be on the news the next day with my letter of resignation and making a statement saying it wasnt an accident and I WAS doing my job. But thats just me… I aint here to play nice some would say.