That’s all I was getting at, no need to get so worked up over some dumbasses riding a bunch invincible pricks. Do I think they should be killed? No, BUT at the same time I feel no sorrow for them. As I would expect from others if I was to ever ride like that.
Never know… I’m bout to go down to the Bronx tomorrow to throw branches in the wheels of your brothers doing wheelies.
Your right and i think its a peerfect comparison… Drag racing a corvette vs another car on a single lane road in a 30mph speed limit is juuustt as dangerous and stupid as riding a dirtbike on the street… again, we all know your brother was about it juustt as much as the driver.
No jobs… Sick dirt bikes and Jordan’s… How do your brothers do it Dave?
im getting worked up because everyone is saying its justfiable, nothing more… MURDERERS deserve to die, RAPISTS deserve to die, TERRORIST deserve to die, a misdimeanor charge should equal death.
You don’t even make any sense… Your stories sound like nick Alero. Who the fuck was drag racing for one, and what single lane road was it on?
Never said the guy deserved to die… I don’t believe that at all.
change the subject all you want, your brother was just as wrong as these clowns, he didnt deserve to die and neither did this kid… I HATE ni99as and im still saying it wasnt justifyable…
im repeating exaactly what you told me… you said he was racing another kid on a single lane road… thats EXACTLY what YOU told me.
Hhahahha if being retarded was normal, your thoughts would be normal.
Hahaha start listening instead of skewing stories…
well im glad that my thoughts are “retarded” because they sure make me a good living and smart human being instead of selling drugs or being some peice of shit welfaree
Its not about who deserves to die, its about putting yourself in a stupid situation where the outcome has a good chance of being death. Whether or not the cop hit them there chances of killing themselves riding through a city like that were VERY high. That’s just not using your brain.
read the first post i replied to, THATS where my anger is stirred from, “being shot on site” is the same as them dying being justified… THAT was my arguement, not that there not stupid fucks, risking there life and shouldnt be punished
The edit is much better…
dont get it?
Nobody said they deserved to die… But now I’m going there tomorrow with a truck load of branches, cause of you.
read the very first post that i quoted… saying they should shot on site is the same exact thing as saying they deserved to die…
Not to mention when people sue the city, guess who pays for it…
Guy dies, sues city. People in neighborhood where they ride taxes go up and they still ride by their houses every hour. Might as well just make it legal.
ooooorrrrrrrrr…how about this, you ready??? You ready?? NOT have the cop use exessive force!!! ding ding ding ding…your tax dollars went up because the cop killed him… Cop knew he didnt have a helmet on, still decided to ram him at a high speed.