Build a track car for cheap?

exactly :tup:

and if you don’t care if you’re placing then why’s it matter what class you’re in? You’ll have a hard time finding an A Stock car that fits all the “cheap” guidelines.

Going in on a car with a friend is rarely a good idea. I would just keep rocking out the S2k and concentrate on learning to drive well rather than building a prepped car.

soloIIscoob, haha when you told me that I was like =O
i cant believe your dad is cool with it…cool dad i guess

its not just hitting curbs that scares me, its stuff like cone damage, wear and tear on the car, a noob behind the wheel losing control, etc. I know reason 3 can happen anywhere and reason 2 will happen over time. I would just like to keep her safe.

That would be sweet to find a busted up S and just track that
But my friend and I have always loved the 240’s.
Ive been friends with the kid for 10yrs so i know sharing a car wont be a problem…plus he’s got dollars=) makes triple what i make. haha

are the 1st gen MR2s cheap?

true, i guess it wont matter what class were in since were just going for fun.




Totally agree with Rushman here. I’ve been a WNY Safety Steward for the last couple years and WNY puts on VERY safe events. When the courses are setup and “pre-run” a lot of thought is put into where cars are likely to spin to make sure they “spin away”. Aka, spin out away from hard objects.

Once the event starts the safety guys watch the first run group to get an idea if there are any issues that may not have been seen when the course was setup. Many times we’ve adjusted courses after the first run group because we’ll spot something that doesn’t look safe.

Another thing to consider… even in the very rare crashes, it’s not the novices that crash. Look at the two guys that had issues at ECC-N. You’ve got “that guy” (edited to remove the name), who’s a multiple track day guy, and Mike P in the mini who’s trophied at nationals. I can remember one other ECC-N curb incident, and it involved a 400+ HP DSM that often set FTD (Fastest Time of the Day). The experienced drivers are the ones who may push a little too far, or try to recover something they shouldn’t.

“If you spin, both feet in”. That will save you in 99% of autocross spins. When the spin starts slam on the clutch, slam on the brakes, and hang on to the wheel. It’s when you spin and start trying to recover with throttle that you get in big trouble.

This is about Auto-X?

Yeah, just keep the S2k for it. It’s very low risk.


Ive been friends with the kid for 10yrs so i know sharing a car wont be a problem…plus he’s got dollars=) makes triple what i make. haha


Think he might get sick of being the cash cow after a while?

Just saying that most people end up having issues when “sharing” something like a car. Especially if everything isn’t going to be 50/50. He’ll probably see it as him owning the car and you paying rent on it or paying for consumables.

For cone damage, tape up the front bumper a bit and the areas in front of and in the back of the wheel wells. Unless you decide to go Takumi and drift sideways into cones, you’ll be fine.

You won’t break the S by autocrossing it. Learn how ot launch it correctly or don’t launch it hard (doesn’t really matter in an autox), learn to shift it well and you’ll be fine.

yes if you have a car with a motor swap, add a turbo/super to a N/A car, add carbon fiber parts, etc you get dropped straight in Street Mod, just stick to your S2K. i plan on breaking my 1.8t out for Seneca since i hear its more open and has higher speeds, ie faster cars do better there.

ps. if youre worried about crashing your car in a risky spot, just dont push it to the limit there, its still fun…


fairgentleman Z, i went to ECC last sunday


that wasn’t tracking your car then…

scca club racing is tracking your car.

That would be sweet to find a busted up S and just track that
But my friend and I have always loved the 240’s.

you can get a gutted s2k for about 15k on s2ki…

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:12,topic:28259"”]

It doesn’t get any cheaper than buying pre-built.



that Rx-7 is nice, i’d buy it if i had the 3900


He has been trying to sell it since March, I am guessing by now he will go lower. $3900 is on the high side, $2500 and up is fair.

WHERES the 7?


WHERES the 7?


Greenville, New York, United States,+NY,+USA&sa=X&oi=map&ct=title

Original add here:

I understand you really like your st00k, but I just don’t see the benefit of spending an extra few thousand dollars to have a dedicated autocross car. I’ve demo’d some cones real hard in the MR2, and it doesn’t leave any marks that don’t buff right out.

Now if you want to get into tracking a car, then I can see getting a seperate car for it.

tracking as in 1/4 mile you mean right?

No, he’s definitely refering to real tracking, like road course stuff. Which, accidents dont happen that often in lower run groups. (Almost never).

How do the MR2’s do in handeling?


No, he’s definitely refering to real tracking, like road course stuff. Which, accidents dont happen that often in lower run groups. (Almost never).


Maybe car to car accidents don’t happen often, but unless you’re not pushing the car hard, you WILL drive it off the track…And what’s the point of taking your to the track if you’re not going to find the limit and cross it occasionally? That’s why you need a car that is easy and cheap to fix, and you don’t care what it looks like. And I would not want to track a car without a cage and proper belts.

If you’re going to putt around the track never exceeding 80% then by all means bring your pretty street car. But where is the fun in that?


How do the MR2’s do in handeling?


Typical MR handling setup. Amazing handling, but can be very punishing if not driven correctly.

I am in the learning curve right now, and it’s fairly steep, to me at least. I know that I am nowhere near the limit, yet I feel like if I go much faster, I’m going to spin it.

Come out to the NCCC event and I’ll give you a ride along.

54-SM, red MkII. Name is Steve


Maybe car to car accidents don’t happen often, but unless you’re not pushing the car hard, you WILL drive it off the track…And what’s the point of taking your to the track if you’re not going to find the limit and cross it occasionally? That’s why you need a car that is easy and cheap to fix, and you don’t care what it looks like. And I would not want to track a car without a cage and proper belts.

If you’re going to putt around the track never exceeding 80% then by all means bring your pretty street car. But where is the fun in that?


Screw occasionally :stuck_out_tongue:


Maybe car to car accidents don’t happen often, but unless you’re not pushing the car hard, you WILL drive it off the track…And what’s the point of taking your to the track if you’re not going to find the limit and cross it occasionally? That’s why you need a car that is easy and cheap to fix, and you don’t care what it looks like. And I would not want to track a car without a cage and proper belts.

If you’re going to putt around the track never exceeding 80% then by all means bring your pretty street car. But where is the fun in that?


shrug I’ve had a few off track excursions and never grabbed the Armco. You can do fine in a pretty street car, pleanty of people do. But again, he’s talking about an AutoX car, not a track car. Which to me, there is no reason to sell his pretty street car for a track rat.